About our Business

TriUnity has 3 amazing products... Acai Plus, White Lightning and Feed My Brain!

This is the company to join in 2008!!

More About TriUnity Acai Plus...

TriUnity International Acai Plus Is Willing To Pay US A Six Figure Income For Simply Giving Away Their Product!

The product is the ONLY liquid Nutritional Product that contains the Acai Berry, Mangosteen Fruit, Goji Berry, Plus, Over 100 powerful nutritional ingredients.

You can get a FREE BOTTLE today by going to my website:

You just pay shipping and put yourself on autoship for the second month! If you do not like the product...simply cancel your autoship and keep the free bottle!

TriUnity just launched an AMAZING healthy Energy Drink called "White Lightning Energy Drink" it will be huge.

This product will explode in this Multi-Billion Dollar market because it's an exclusive formula like no other, and it gets results in minutes that can last for hours.

You can get in with me on the ground floor of the Hottest Energy Drink in America ! Do you want to make money and start your own business?

The company has exploded over the last year and what's about to happen is incredible!

You're qualified to earn up to a SIX FIGURE INCOME buying as little as 1 Bottle @ $34 and sponsoring only 1 person, Nothing Compares!

TriUnity's Compensation Plan flat BLOWS AWAY the Competition.
TriUnity's Compensation Plan is a Forced Filled 3 X 4 Expandable Matrix.

TriUnity's plan offers a true Unlimited Income opportunity that is unequaled, period!

TriUnity's compensation plan offers Nine Streams Of Income!


You're qualified to earn up to a SIX FIGURE INCOME buying as little as 1 Bottle @ $34 and sponsoring only 1 person!

Tri Unity has a Forced Filled 3 X 4 Expandable Matrix. TriUnity's plan offers a true Unlimited Income opportunity that is unequaled, with Nine Streams Of Income!

Income Stream #1 — Earn 60% on all your Personal Customers
Income Stream #2 — Weekly Fast Start Bonuses
Income Stream #3 — 3 X 4 Forced Filled Matrix
Income Stream #4 — Matching Bonuses on All 4th Level Members
Income Stream #5 — Company Profit Sharing Pools
Income Stream #6 — Up to 3% Infinity Bonuses
Income Stream #7 — Organizational Bonus
Income Stream #8 — Coding Bonuses on Cases of Product
Income Stream #9 — Retail

You Earn a 100% Matching Bonus for each and every person on your 4th Level, no matter who sponsors them! Sponsor only 3 people to qualify for Unlimited 100% 4th level Matching checks!

The Top 4 Levels In The Matrix Pay: (No Sponsoring Required To Earn)
3 people 1st level - pays 5% commission
9 people 2nd level - pays 5% commission
27 people 3rd level - pays 5% commission
81 people 4th level - pays 20% commission

AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER!! You have got to check out the comp plan!

Plus, they have:

>> FREE Corporate website offers FREE BOTTLES to all your prospects, friends & family who may be interested in a Home Business.
>> Custom Autoresponder system does presentations for you 24/7 offering FREE BOTTLES.
>> Matching Bonuses for Everyone on your 4th level. Unlimited Monthly Checks!

Remember, I told you first. Please go to my website and check it out today!

TriUnity's Success Essentials:

1.) Make a conscious decision that you are going to succeed at this business. Success begins in the mind. ALWAYS have a positive attitude. Think, act and talk with enthusiasm and you'll attract positive results. It doesn't matter if you have had a bad experience in the past, your TriUnity Business is the future, a new opportunity.
2.) Set your first goal to learn about your TriUnity Business by going through our "Step by Step" Training System. Available FREE to our Members.
3.) Treat your TriUnity Business like a BUSINESS, not a hobby. Believe in yourself. You can do this!
4.) Find a mentor, work with your sponsor, or call TriUnity to work directly with a Success Coach. Call 858-502-9828 and ask for a Success Coach.
5.) "Absolutely, no matter what, NEVER QUIT!" - Donald Trump.
Even if you have to downgrade to the Silver" level at $39.00 per month just to hold your spot in the company matrix, do that before you would ever quit!

You may ask, okay, sounds simple enough, how do I sponsor 1 person then? And, from there, how do I make my fortune in my TriUnity Business?

Answer: You may have your own way of sponsoring your 1 person. Or, if not, TriUnity has the following systems:

1.) Simply refer people to your Corporate Website offering a FREE BOTTLE of our Acai Plus! Anyone can do that!
2.) Use TriUnity's Custom Autoresponder and fear of loss Internet Marketing System! This system works for you 24/7!
3.) LIVE - Super Prequalified Goodle Marketing System Leads!
4.) You can purchase "Guaranteed" Autoship Sign ups as they are available!
5.) You can use our turn-key Direct Mail system!
6.) Refer people to our LIVE Weekly Conference & Training Calls!
7.) LIVE TriUnity Success Coaches Available To Work With You One-On-One. Monday - Friday! Included in your membership!

Do you think you can sponsor 1 person? WE THINK YOU CAN!
Once you have sponsored your first person, you simply help that new person sponsor their first person.

Usually, people like to duplicate what they responded to. So, whatever method or system you used to sponsor your first person with, they will probably want to use the same system.

It's what attracted them to the TriUnity Acai Plus product or opportunity to begin with.

All you do is encourage and help your new team member get their first person into the business.

That's called DUPLICATION! And, DUPLICATION will EXPLODE your business!


In Friendship and Success,
Carola W.

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ZizBiz Team Build ! Let Us Help You Grow Your Downline!
Mar 19 2008 18:44

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Member's Profile

Carola Wijas

Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile

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  • Business
  • Health & Medical
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Marketing