Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Well it's About Time

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Okay, So I got a message from our Fearless Leader telling me if I didn't start pulling my weight around here like laid out in the guidelines I'd be out on my A** Pronto!
So be warned you guy's! 
I don't think he's playing around..LOL
On a more serious note, I did have an idea(uh-oh, here we go again!) that I believe is at least worth exploring.  I would like to note that this is nothing more than a thought in my mind at the moment....I will not be offended by the input or feedback I recieve!
What if QCWG had an offical blog?
A place where all our members could contribute and show off our talent(this just gets worse, doesn't it? lmao)  Who knows, perhaps we could even put our sign-up links in a rotator and junk like that.  I'm sure there are all kinds of things we could do to brand our group as serious professionals or top rate marketers(ok, i'm stretching it a little) or how about the source for online business ethics?
Anyways if you guy's think the idea has merit, I'd love your feedback.  I know it is something that'd take some time and serious effort to get going, but as least for now my position in this group is safe(I think! LOL)
Dec 9th 2007 22:35

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Interesting idea Garnet
Dec 9th 2007 22:53   
David Schupbach Senior   
That sound like a great idea garnet, but I have a question. who is the Fearless Leader?
Dec 10th 2007 03:51   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
HAHA! know I'm just having fun D, hmm..dang burnout and writers block!
Dec 10th 2007 12:26   
David Schupbach Senior   
I agree, Garnet. I am not actually keeping track of how much everyone here is doing. If I was a good group owner, I guess I would.

Burnout? Uh Huh. All the recent turmoil has taken a toll on everyone I think, but in a weird sort of way may make everyone stronger too. D
Dec 12th 2007 03:41   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Sounds like a good idea to me. Especially as, being a private group, our stuff in teh group cannot be read by everyone.

An Ay Vote from Spain
Jan 4th 2008 06:23   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
So any headway on the official blog yet?
Jan 4th 2008 07:38   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL...NO! Other than what you see here but I don't think there is any rush just yet. Maybe we could plan to get it going sometime around March if everyones up for it.

Keep the feedback coming, I'll see what I can come up with for guidelines and promos sometime soon here.
Jan 4th 2008 12:38   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Crap D!! Keeping track of all us ____!!!(pick your choice word:)

Watch for an update soon folks.....

P.S. 42 hits, lol...I'm watching, like anyone gives a h(o)(o)t!
Jan 6th 2008 01:27   
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