I love PHP Language

PHP4 vs PHP5

by Corey Huetter CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
Hi, I worked with php4 version but the latest version is php5 , but I guess php5 will take time to gain popularity as 95% of the server supports php4 and not php5, so developers will keep on using php4 for better, the reason for this is that its not easy to tweak all your code to make it ork for php5 and servers are not going to risk number of sites running for php4, otherwise all the sites will start giving out errors so its will take few years before php5 is finally adopted by all developers. I am not going to use it for anoter 2 years..
Nov 20th 2007 06:15

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
There are a couple hosts that will give you a choice when you set up your domain which you want to use.
I know Hostgator and Hostmonster both offer the choice.
Nov 20th 2007 06:21   
Dixanta Shrestha Advanced   
if you are php lover then you gotta join this group

Nov 20th 2007 06:22   
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
yes some of the server does, but then you are limited to use their services alone and have got not much choices to change the server if any problem arises in future.
Nov 20th 2007 06:33   
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