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A (minor?) tragedy

by Susan coils Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing...
Well, in the overall scheme of life, my tragedy is extremely minor. However, in my own small life, it's quite major.

My 1st bairn died today. Jack, my dragon, my 1st baby, my 'minder' for keeping my other 'bairns' under control, was tragically smashed by the idiot clock falling off the wall.

The clock wasn't harmed. Oh no, didn't kill itself in the process. Just broke my poor baby to pieces. As I scoured the floor (newly laid laminate, now with a gaping hole where Jack landed), looking to retrieve his bits n pieces through my tears, my 6yr old grandaughter cuddled me and said, ' dont worry, nan, my nana Tina has a magic glue, she can fix him for you'.

Well, I doubt he can be fixed, though god bless my daughter. she came over to help me look for missing slivers. And he has gone to the hands of a very competent artist who may be able to restore him to some of his former glory.

Please, please, please, say a prayer that he can be resurrected. I have had him now for more years than I can remember. And the sentimental value of this bairn above all my others, I cannot begin to explain to you. Talk of insurance, replacement, are just abhorrent.

He is my baby.

Maybe some of you have 'children' like Jack. Just too precious for words. And I cannot bear the thought of being without him. Plus the others will fight between them, I am sure.

the clock, although unbroken has been binned as punishment for his crime. I am unsure as to if the act was premeditated or not, but the fact as I see it, is that he killed my Jack.

Not a huge miss to the world, I realise. But a huge miss to me.

Nov 7th 2007 15:11

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
San, I can only send you my deepest condolences and tell you that I do understand your pain!!

An indoor badminton match IN MY LIVING ROOM was responsible for the demise of my very favourite gold porcelain angel who sat on a "high and safe" shelf for many years.


I hope you still have a photo to remember him by.

Nov 7th 2007 15:25   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Great news about my bairn.
He has been restored. Alas, a little bruised and battered, but aren't we all as we move through life?

Talk about coincedences - the morning after this tragedy my horoscope of the fact that although many famous art pieces look broken and battered, they are still treasure and special. I shouldn't look for perfection in someting close to my heart!

So who told them that my Jack was broken? LOL.

But I am a very happy woman.
Nov 10th 2007 02:41   
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