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Amazing fact about Apsense and my article marketing...

by Teodor M. Blockchain Real Estate
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Social networks and blogs are now the most “beloved” ones… by Search Engines!

Amazing fact! I just have checked few of my articles published at Apsense about 2 weeks ago and they are on the first page on Google!

Let me show you only few ways to bring more traffic to your site:

1. Write an article worth talking about.
2. Send the link to 5 friends by mail (don’t spam!).
3. Add it to and Digg, as this is very easy with Apsense (look at the end of this article!). Don’t forget to write your tags!
4. Favorite it on StumbleUpon. Play with your tags.
5. Blog it, or ask someone else to do it.
6. Add your blog to powerful BlogRush!
7. After about two weeks go to Google and search for your article title…
Then tell me what do you see ; )

All the best,
BlogRush Marketer
Sep 17th 2007 11:50

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