Versatile Additive Systems & Technologies - Jul 26th 2024 08:43

About our Business

We develop and invest in renewable and sustainable projects. 

Our VAST (Versatile Additive Systems & Technologies) printing technology allows big 3D printers to be adapted for turning easily from one to another of various additive manufacturing tasks.

Featured Products or Services

DesignVAST 3D Printer
Nov 21 2016 14:50

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Homeowners Guide To Landscaping
Aug 8 2007 19:06

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Forexomania - Forex for Beginners!
Jul 29 2007 12:38

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Hi Coach T! Great job on your ABC. I would be happy to help you in your Construction bus. I can do your plans for you (Grading, Utilities and such!) they would still need to be signed by an engineer, but the drafting is the time eater anyway
 - jean555 November 21st, 2019

I am happy to make this recommendation for one the most experience and professional Business Consultant Teodor Muntean. I appreciate his skills and services what he provide!!
 - logodesignbizz March 28th, 2014

Teo is a proactive communicator and a committed CEO of a great company that is at the forefront of the green energy world, bringing real solutions to home owners and builders. I have no hesitation in making a recommendation.
 - ethicalandgreen September 9th, 2013

He is willing and capable of helping anyone start a small business plan.
 - sepiepang January 23rd, 2013

As I know after connect to Teo M, through APSense. Teo is doing good work with good efforts. My best wishes always with him. :)
 - harreymartin January 11th, 2013

Member's Profile

Teodor M.
Iasi, Romania
A risk taker who is willing to take ideas outside the box and invest and expand on those unnoticed opportunities. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Software
  • Real Estate
  • Finance
  • Business
  • Technology

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