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Fundraiser you may want to look into

by Kadye Ward
Kadye Ward Innovator
Mark, my company business has a fundraiser that you may be interested in promoting. You can join up and run the fundraiser yourself and make $6.00 for every unit sold.

Worth looking into, don't you think, Mark.
Go to and find the fundraiser section. This could be a very profitable venture for you and your organization. God Bless you and all your efforts.

Thanks, and I'll be glad to answer any questions if you need more information. My contact information is on my website above.

Kadye Ward
Jul 10th 2007 10:31

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Mark Ellis Advanced   
Hi Kadye, Thank you for your email and the information you have given me. I will take a look as you say.

God Bless
Kind regards

Jul 10th 2007 10:47   
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