Last night you were at your colleague's place. You enjoyed the party this colleague of yours had thrown. The food was great; so were drinks; but what really caught your eye balls and gave you a full sleepless night was the way the interiors were done up. His was also a 2-bedroom apartment like yours - but it was terrific. Right from the minute you had set foot inside his apartment to the sink in his bathroom that you washed your hands in, everything looked like a wonder.

Now you're back to your apartment with your family. And now when you look around, all you see is a mess. And now you're secretly wishing for a magic wand that could transform your apartment and make it 10 times better than your colleague's.

Sadly no magic wands exist in this world. But makeover tips and tricks do. And they don't also need you to spend a lot of money. So shall we proceed to uncover those home makeover tips and tricks?

3 extremely cheap tips to bring about a quick change to your apartment's look and feel

3-4 Aroma candles

Don't you feel completely bowled over when you come across a beautiful woman with smelling like garden fresh flowers? We all do, right?

With aroma burners and candles, you can instantly lift up the mood of your interiors. They'll hardly cost you a thousand bucks or so.

A thorough deep clean

You clean your apartment every day or two days. That's fine but that's not going to bring a big change. What you perhaps needs is a deep or steam clean. Now you might not have a steam cleaner. Don't worry. Call up a professional for house cleaning services in Delhi. He or she will see to it that your space is deep cleaned and smells like totally fresh and germ free.

You don't need to pay much - just opt for a basic package.

Luckily, many new companies have jumped into this space and are offering some very affordable house cleaning services in Delhi.

You can even hire these companies for post renovation cleaning services.

Change thy furniture setting

You can buy new furniture. But since we're talking about cheap home makeover tips, you can just do by making a slight change to your furniture-setting.

There is a lot of online information on how to play with one's existing furniture to make a very noticeable change to a room's visual aesthetics.

Bonus tip - you can also think about painting your walls with colors that talk about your personality, your dreams, and your goals. Believe me coloring walls is one of the cheapest but most effective ways to accentuate the appeal of a space.

We're not done yet - we have just started this series. So do check us out in a day or so to get to know how to renovate your home better than your colleague's. We'll be talking about cleaning tips and tricks, the prominent companies offering house cleaning services in Delhi, and about the latest that's happening in this beautiful world of ours.

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