A little over three weeks ago, Google's Gary Illyes said on stage at SMX Advanced that the Panda data refreshis coming soon. He said, somewhere around 2, 3, or 4 weeks.

So as the fourth week approaches, SEOs and Webmasters are getting anxious - which is why Gary didn't want to mention how soon. Google needs to approve and push the change and that might take a week or it might be postponed for weeks on end.

Gary replied to questions about it onTwitter today saying, "And that's kids, why I should stop giving timeframes." He added, "yes, it's coming soon as far as I know."

This is in regards to Panda.

I currently do not see any signs of Panda rolling out today, but that might change later on today or next week. But at this moment, I see no Panda update signs. But do not worry, it is coming soon.

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