Baldness is the worst curse! It not only spoils your look, it dampens your entire personality as well. You nurture and nourish your skin to get a good look, but with thin hair on the head, your entire efforts may go in vain. A healthy hair has always been considered as the personality enhancer, as it adds an extra impact to your overall appeal.

But what happens when healthy hair remains to be in a dream only. Just to avoid that situation, remain conscious of the hair and care it with utmost urgency. There are pure and basic natural anti dandruff conditioners like Tea Tree and Rosemary, which is safe for treating symptoms of dandruff. Before using, it is important to know the ideal content quantity. Take a mixture of rosemary extract, tea tree oil and Canadian Willow Herb. To prepare conditioners, take two percent salicylic acid parabens, sulfate and glycol for those with sensitive skin.

Homemade hair care products could be produced, but it simply doesn’t mean these are ineffective. Simplicity shouldn’t be mistaken as ineffectiveness. Whether you get it from an open market or prepare it at home, you should have enough confidence in the effectiveness of the ingredient.

With one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and 1 cup water, a natural mixer for hair can be produced, which acts as a perfect conditioner. To get a smooth and grease free hair this mixture is highly and widely recommended. This mixture is safe for all kinds of hair and it can be used without any inhibitions. The ACV in this conditioner balances the pH value of your scalp and hair.

To get the desired fragrance, some added herbs can work wonders. Like, for greasy or oily hair/scalp, few drops of bergamot, lavender, lemon, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree or ylang ylang can be used. Similarly, for dry scalp and dandruff, some drops of tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, sage, or rosemary can be added to get the favourite aroma.

So to get a natural conditioner for hair is not an impossible task. It is easily available in the market, offered by many brands, but if you doubt their procedure, you can have your own solution as well. Likewise, natural hair dandruff treatment is quite popular in current days. Despite the flood of chemical products, in present days thousands of customers prefer natural products.

Applying coconut oils on hair is highly recommended. Buy organic coconut oils and apply to hair, focusing on the ends. Allow oil to stay for a few minutes, and rinse well. Rinsing it well, hydrates hair without leaving it oily. Then the question of how to reduce dandruff also doesn’t arise.

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