The release of the PDF format in the early 1990s marked the beginning of ebooks and when Amazon released their first Kindle generation it became clear that digital books were here to stay. Despite the initial skepticism that follows every new major change, people were fast to embrace the new technology and today the digital format lives alongside the printed one, without ruling it out. Some still wonder whether or not the digital reading experience compares to the real thing, but a true, intelligent reader, will not pick only one extreme and will admit that both printed and electronic books have their advantages and disadvantages. When the content is engaging, one can read a fiction ebook as avidly as a printed one. Buying an e-book reader does not mean abandoning your dream of having a huge home library or never having to feel the smell of paper pages again.

Those who love reading can enjoy both worlds, without committing to only one option. They can buy a tablet that can store thousands of publications and read them whenever and wherever they want, without worrying about the lack of space. Trips on public transport are not as boring thanks to ebooks and one has to praise them for their practicality and efficiency. If at any point you are curious about a self help ebook or the latest John Greene bestseller, you can download them in a matter of seconds, without having to go to a library or bookstore. Besides, the digital format gave more freedom of expression and exposure opportunities to small, self-publishing writers that cannot sign a deal with a publishing house and see their work printed. If you start exploring the world of digital publications, you will find many up-and-coming writers and independent artists that have not found a place in brick-and-mortar bookstores. At the same time, they can add new printed volumes on their shelves and read them even they see fit.

Reading is by definition a relaxed hobby, one that you can only indulge in when you have the time, which seems to go against today’s fast-paced world. E-books have surprisingly succeeded to eliminate this problem and thanks to them you can read anywhere and anytime. Is your busy lifestyle preventing you to read War and Peace and you can’t carry a thousand-page tome around? Then you can simply download the novel to your e-reader and enjoy it on the go. This way, the number of hours your spend reading might actually increase. The digital marketplace is as rich as the land-based one. You can find everything from classic novels to current bestsellers and no genre is neglected. Whether you love fiction, self-help, biographies or scientific publications, you can find them all in one places. Also, as mentioned previously, you will have access to a whole new market of independent writers that you can support. For the educated audience, the format of the publication is quite a trivial matter compared to its content and this is shown by the sales reported by bookstores. Despite the advent of e-readers, people still buy printed materials and this co-existence will go on because there is not only one, but multiple types of reader preferences. For the first time ever, readers now have more format options, which they can choose depending on the context.

To buy a fiction ebook or a self help ebook, please visit this site!

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