One can scarcely find a man who doesn’t enjoy receiving oral sensual activity. For many men, the idea of being deep throated is intensely thrilling, but they must understand that, from the partner’s end, this is no easy accomplishment. A man can simply imagine trying to shove a sausage down his throat and think about how that would feel. And many partners are interested in providing this service to a man, but fears of gagging, extreme discomfort and even becoming ill at a most inopportune time ward off their efforts. Along with maintaining appropriate manhood health in order to keep the tool appealing, men can also share the following tips with interested lovers to help them move closer to the experience they both crave.


Partners interested in deep throating shouldn’t assume they can just go for it. That’s because nearly everyone has a gag reflex, though the intensity thereof varies from person to person. For most people, the reflex is stimulated when the back of the throat is touched. One of the most important things a person can do to facilitate deep throating is to train the gag reflex to relax.

Training consists of gradually stimulating the gag reflex, being conscious to take a breath before stimulating it and to keep the throat as relaxed as possible. It’s also important to remain mentally relaxed. No pressure; take it slow, and back off if one needs.

A partner can choose to train with an actual male organ, a replica or a combination. It’s good to have a toy around so a person can train whenever he or she wishes; the more one practices dulling the gag reflex, the more likely it is to respond as desired. Hold the male organ or toy on the tongue, right at one’s comfort zone to start. Then, slowly move it down, just past the comfort zone and hold. Finally, move it slowly so that it gently contacts the back of the throat, and hold for a few seconds. After doing this several times, a person may find that he or she can hold it there longer, and eventually push down deeper.


Along with being relaxed physically and mentally, it’s a good idea to use lube. Edible lubes are on the market for use on either replicas or male organs. It may also be possible to provide sufficient lubrication with one’s saliva. When practicing on a man, this can be particularly enjoyable for him; spend some time before inserting him into one’s mouth licking his shaft, wrapping one’s lips around the base and sliding up, etc. Get it nice and wet before inserting.


There is a curve between the mouth and throat, one that makes deep throating difficult in many positions. Optimal positions are those in which the giver’s head is tilted back, bringing the mouth and throat into alignment.

It’s also important to think of the position of the hard male organ in relation to the giver’s mouth and throat. Generally, the following positions are best:

- The giver can lie on his or her back with the head dangling a bit off the side of a bed. The receiver stands behind the partner’s head. Partners should discuss the importance of control beforehand. It’s a good idea, particularly when first learning, for the giver to have a good amount of control over the recipient’s thrusting. The giver can place his or her hands on the receiver’s rear or hips to control his movements.

- In 69 position with the giver on top, he or she should stay low and close to the recipient’s body with the head tilted back. If there is a big height difference, the deep throater may not be able to receive oral stimulation from the recipient. He or she may choose to kneel with legs to one side of the partner’s body instead of straddling if receiving mutual oral is not desired or possible.

- The giver can lie on his or her stomach on a bed with torso slightly propped up, depending on the partner’s height, while the partner stands in front of the giver. If the giver is using his or her elbows to be propped up, then the receiver will have total control; this should be considered.

Along with sharing valuable oral sensual activity tips with one’s lover, a man owes it to his partner to keep his male organ in peak condition, both in form and function. Using a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will keep his skin smooth, soft and inviting to a lover’s mouth. Also, a crème with vitamin A will help stave off unwanted odors, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties. If a man’s lover does him the favor of deep throating, the least he can do is make what he’s got palatable.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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