There is something I want to be able to achieve during my online journey in regards to my ability to help other people. I want to help as many people as I can; in any way that I can.

My beliefs about the benefits of being “employed online” or working from home for people who are disabled, Veterans, college students, families on state’s assistance or families and individuals that just need the extra income because they are poor or below the poverty level but not “poor enough” to receive state assistance are a strong factor for my desire to help; that and more that you will read below.

I personally feel that the people that benefit the most from working at home are those that NEED it the MOST. People that are FORCED to stay home.

Whether its because they are a single parent(s), with little or no education and have children under 5, lack of transportation, lack affordable childcare or they have disabled children at home and need to give them care around the clock. 

Some are families that have no choice but to keep a parent at home to save on expenses such as childcare (childcare around here cost $175-$250 per week per child) that usually take about 2/3 of the paycheck to pay for and then once you figure in gas for the commute to work that leaves barely any money for bills or food so the families are constantly struggling.

There are also individuals that are temporary leave from their current job(s) and are on unemployment, that actively seek employment; trying to live off their meager weekly checks until they run out which is generally about 26 weeks. 

Many college students can barely afford the yearly or quarterly tuition; not including their textbooks, food and other necessary items. 

Veterans who are considered unemployable due to injuries while in the field, or emotional issues like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) among other issues.

I was going to say my biggest concern was people that are disabled and their lack of education regarding their employment options since that is what my article is about; but I can’t say that’s my biggest concern alone; I can say though that it is ONE of 
my biggest concerns. 

Over the course of the last few decades there has been a steady increase in individuals that are considered disabled. I believe the increase is partially due to the ever growing technology and our ability to detect medical issues well before a child is even born, and that as we learn of new diseases or disabilities we are finding more people to have these problems that have gone their entire lives un-diagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Some people are considered legally disabled due to emotional instabilities, learning problems, injuries sustained during an accident or while at war and others are born disabled like my nephew(s) who was born with a (crippling) disease; Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy.

People are born disabled or are diagnosed with some form of disability every day and this is very unfortunate, whats even more unfortunate; in my eyes anyways; is the fact that these individuals are usually ignored by the mainstream society and 
considered ignorant even when their disability has nothing to do with their intelligence at all.

According to the “World Report On Disability” ( “1 (one) Billion people or 
15% of the Worlds populations experiences some form of disability. One-fifth of the estimated global total, or between 110 million and 190 million people, encounter significant disabilities.”

Individuals with disabilities have a difficult enough time in life without having to add the stress of trying to survive on a day to day basis and it is a proven fact that those considered disabled are generally less educated (or not given the proper education in my opinion), worse health because those on Medicare or Medicaid are looked at by doctors as a monetary losses so they are less important (this isn't for ALL cases of course; but I have seen this happen several times to people I know well), given or have ‘less’ employment options (I wouldn't say less exactly I’d say they are intentionally kept out of main stream society due to the prejudices that have not gone away over the decades that the world has ‘become a fairer, more equal place to live’ (HA) and due to these issues with health, education & employment; they fall into the class of poverty.

There MAY be a very slim percentage of disabled individuals that honestly can not work in any form due to their disability but I personally think that with the ever expanding technology and the wonderful world of the internet there is no reason for those of us that are educated about the options of being employed online not to spread the knowledge around.

There are ways for everyone, regardless of race, education, age, gender or even disability to make an income that can supplement their current (meager) social security/disability checks or even replace them completely, a friend says $758.00 per month…

There are companies that hire remote workers for an hourly wage and finding those jobs can be quite easy if your looking in the right place, the problem with a lot of those positions is that they want people that are educated; have a degree or degrees; so they are able to use Microsoft Office or Quick books accounting software and other software programs like that. For some people with disabilities these software programs can be confusing due to the lack of education that they unfairly didn't receive.

This isn't to say that everyone that is disabled is uneducated because that would be a completely unjust statement to make and even more completely inaccurate. I make this point because there are options, that I personally consider to be much better options for individuals that can not get a ‘normal’ job, or do not qualify for a ‘regular’ remote work from home JOB.

Besides finding a 'JOB' that is a remote position there are other options. My favorite option is online marketing. Online Marketing includes affiliate, network and internet marketing. Some types of businesses under the networking category require traveling outside the home to grow the business and for those that cannot travel they would be limited, thus limiting their over-all income and hindering their creation of wealth, so that option isn't for everyone; but many would still benefit greatly from that style of freedom of ‘employment’. There are some marketing companies that do not require travel, hosting PBR’s (Private Business Receptions) etc,.. but some companies that fall under the Network Marketing category ‘require’ that your able to do that.

The option that I feel would best suit an individual in the position of being disabled, would be internet or affiliate style marketing. Being an affiliate is simple and is you basically being the middle man between the company and the customer, it does not require travel, hosting parties or PBR’s, rarely requires phone skills even and is 
something EVERYONE can do.

I am currently a member of an amazing company called Unlimited Profits. This company; I feel would be the BEST option for anyone but especially for someone who is limited in their abilities; regardless of their limitations. UP is the only company I have found online that is literally step by step, and the exact method for connecting with others is the Day 15 training. In this training Robert Hollis Sr. tells you exactly what to say to someone and how to say it. This helps those looking to grow their business with a loyal customer base. 

Who is Robert Hollis and what is Unlimited Profits?

UP is a system put together by Robert Hollis Sr. Robert helped 45 people become millionaires through the exact training you get even as a completely FREE member. You also can earn money with his system as a FREE member, no catch, no gimmick! He leaves nothing out and it is your job to implement what he teaches you.

This is the simplest system I have yet to find on the internet in the roughly 4 years I have been looking and trying to create an income from home myself. All of our training in this company is put together by Robert Hollis and Bill Ebert themselves and they are both documented millionaires. 

Robert went from being a 'broken man' who was told he couldn't be a mechanic again to having a career training others to have the same success he has had making him well over $43 million dollars in 26 years.

The guys walk us all step by step through the training and through our success. UP is a 3 level mentor-ship program that is created so that everyone, regardless of their education, disability, age, sex, race, location or financial status in life; will succeed. 

It is so complete that the only way anyone would ever fail is if they just don’t do it, don’t do their training, and don’t believe they can do it.

Who am I to ‘pitch’ to anyone that feels limited due to disability you ask?

I am a stay at home mother of three children, a mother that almost wasn't here to see her children grow up because I was involved in a terrible vehicle accident on September 22nd 2007. We came up over a knoll on a dirt road, and there was a 17 year old child crossing the road on a four wheeler, we were going too fast (I say we but my BF was driving, we had been drinking and he was speeding, so I am not looking for pity just explaining why I am where I am) because we were not able to slow down in time, we veered to the right to swerve and avoid hitting the child,..we ended up clipping the right front side of the wheeler (He was okay, which was a miracle in itself, not even a scratch) with no back brakes we careened into a tree at 75 mph. I had thrown my upper body towards my BF right before the impact and that is the only reason I didn’t die on impact.

As you can see from the truck the damage to the truck was very extensive. I was pinned into place by the stick shift, it was pinning me to the seat by my pelvis, my right foot was all the way through the floor board and I could feel cold air on my foot, the dash was in my lap and the truck was on fire,.. I could barely see the flames but I could and I remember thinking about my children, thinking this is it..i'm dead.

Out of no where a man showed up, and to this day I still have no idea who he was,..he came from no where and had a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. He saved my life! Literally! It would have only been moments and the truck would have blown and I was stuck in it, I couldn't move, I could hear the people all around me talking but see no one. After the fire was put out my Boyfriend asked someone to hold a jacket over my head, and then I heard glass smash ( bf was able to get out of the truck as soon as the impact happened, he was not injured) he climbed back into the truck to apply pressure to my leg, because even though I wasn't aware that the bone (my femur) had snapped and came through my leg and I had a hole the size of a quarter that blood was pouring out of,..he was aware of it. I was losing blood and FAST! 

Shortly after; I heard sirens, the ambulance, fire department and police had finally shown up ( felt like hours). They told me I would be okay, but I could hear them talking..they were afraid that as soon as they moved me I would be gone.

I remember Kelsey Silk holding my hand and talking to me, he told me honestly that I would have a better chance of survival if 

I stayed awake and talking,..trying not to focus on what they were doing. He was amazing and did a great job, because even 
though it took quite a while it didn't feel that long before they had me cut out and on a stretcher…

This isn't funny but the first thing I said is “My nerves are shot can I have a cigarette?” of course they all laughed and said no, that I was bleeding badly and they needed to get me to the hospital. So I thought Id get into the ambulance and be at the hospital in no time,..I was wrong. The ambulance drove about a mile down the road, all of the EMT’s where talking to me and trying to keep my mood light and keep my awake, when I could hear this horrendous noise,…a helicopter. I guess my boyfriend was back at the scene talking to the cops, so I was alone and they didn't want me to know that.

I distinctly remember telling them I “was NOT getting into that helicopter because I’m petrified of heights” again they all laughed and placed me into the Dart Copter…during the flight I informed them that they were lucky they “drugged me up” or I 
would NOT be in the air,..they told me I wasn't given anything because I had lost a lot of blood and was still losing blood, that my adrenaline and blood loss was causing this state of euphoria and lack of pain. I was awake the entire flight to the hospital,..about 40 minutes or so.

As we got to the hospital, we landed on the roof and the wheeled me into the ER,..I started feeling very tired and wasn't feeling happy anymore, I was starting to slip away…the last thing I remember was my bf walking into the ER right behind a cop,..the cop was handing me a citation for drinking and driving causing serious bodily injury (TO MYSELF!!) I don’t know how I did this but I sat straight up and told the cop that I “was NOT driving”, pointed at my bf who couldn't even look at me and said “he was damn it”,..that was the last thing I remember until about 8 days later when I woke up and felt like my chest was crushed,..I didn't know where I was or why at that moment and why my chest hurt so bad…I had been coming out of my medically induced slumber when I had a PE (Pulmonary Embolism),..apparently I died and they had seconds to bring me back and by the graces of 

God they were able to. Without going into to much more boring detail I will tell you that I was informed I had a broken hip, my pelvis was broke in 3 places, a broken tailbone, broken femur and a broken foot and ankle. I had a blood transfusion and would need more surgeries to come. Since that day I have had a total of 12 surgeries, one was a total hip replacement, in which they also removed the rod from my femur.

They told me I would never walk again, when I proved them wrong and forced myself out of my wheelchair after 2 months and up onto one crutch,..they then said I would never walk ‘right’ again,..I would always have a terrible gait and be in  excruciating pain…again I proved them wrong. I can walk without a limp 90% of the time, I can jog (although not pretty lol) I can sit Indian style, I can ride a bike and play with my kids,..but they were also right about something I can not change,..the pain I would live in. I am in pain every single day. There is not a day, or an activity that I go through were I am not in pain. 

Some days I can push threw it other days I can’t. My boyfriend, gets upset with me for saying I hurt, for not having a ‘REAL’ job even though I have told him thousands of times that I can’t be on my feet for that many hours a day comfortably.

I’m not on disability, although my doctors all think I should be, but apparently I don’t qualify by federal guidelines,..I probably could fight it,..most likely I should fight it,..maybe someday I will HAVE to fight it; but for now I want to prove to myself that 

I can create my own income, control my own wealth; at home, online. I also want to prove my boyfriend wrong too because he keeps telling me I will never succeed, I’m wasting my time, get a real job..(see above LOL like I said I CANT), but mostly so I can go back to giving my children the things I was able to give to them before everything bad happened. So why did I just tell you all of that? I want you to know that I am no different than you are, that I am not someone pretending to ‘Make it’, I’m just someone who is working towards her goal, someone NOT settling for living off a few measly hundred dollars a month, someone who is NOT going to keep living 200% BELOW the poverty level. I am a woman, a mother, I am currently bedridden with several small blood clots and three large ones.. but that doesn't change the facts that I am intelligent and caring and I want to help other people in the same position as myself, people in worse positions/condition’s than myself, and people who just want to change their lives. 

I am telling you from the very bottom of my heart, from the very essence of my soul; if you are disabled, poor or just want a better life I WANT to help you! I want to be there for you and show you a way to at least make this part of your life better. 

Ask yourself,..honestly, what would a few hundred to a few thousand dollars more a month do for you? 

Could you then have a surgery that you insurance won’t cover, ‘the’ surgery that will completely change your life, make it so you can walk again, with the extra income?

Would you be able to get a vehicle designed for your disability so you could get out of your home, get out of your depression? 

Would you be able to move to a warmer climate that would lessen the physical and even emotional pain you go through every day? Aside from the money, would being a part of an amazing community of loving, caring individuals help you? I know it has 
helped me,..I find myself going their daily to engage with others, to reach out. The positive and understanding environment makes this journey even more amazing. 

There is NO company as transparent, open, caring, engaging and loving as the Unlimited Profits family that is growing more and more every single day.

As I mentioned UP can and will do that for you, if you can connect with people, watch training videos and take action this system is for you! Please reach out to me, let me help you. 

Take the first steps in becoming a better you; don’t allow other to tell you that your limited by your disabilities, that you can not afford the things you need in life and the things you WANT in life, because they are the fools, or maybe they are just afraid that you can be self-sufficient, that you won’t need them anymore,..don’t let their fears become your fears. Step outside of your comfort zones (that I am well aware of are not really all that comfortable) and take a ‘risk’ to better your life. The 
income is residual income, recurring income that comes in month after month to you for as long as the other person stays a member.

Click Here to Learn More About Unlimited Profits 

I personally feel that the people that benefit the most from working at home are those that NEED it the MOST. People that are FORCED to stay home.

Grab 200 hours of FREE training by going to the Unlimited Profits and entering your email address! It is that simple. 

Once you have done that you can start your training. This is the simplest, most thorough system online and by getting this training you will get rid of the huge learning curve most of us suffer through.

Don’t let your disabilities hold you back from your dreams! We all have dreams so lets go after them together! It’s time for you to do something for you and not live your life for everyone else and live within their expectations!

With Love,
Margo Johnson


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