I see people on APSense every day (no make that every minute) pleading, crying, begging like a dying man in the desert with the sun beating down on a 150 degree day (yes it does get that hot), asking for someone to please just give him a sip of water. Then a stranger comes by and points out there is a full canteen right next to them full of cold, tasty water that he didn't even see.

Now imagine that the same dying man responds to the stranger in an even more pleading manner, "don't trick me, you are cruel teasing me like that" and trudges on his desperate way still crying out, "Water, Water, please give me water".

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

I see so many posts about how to engage in real social networking to establish and cultivate the true path to building a network of satisfying connections, but people insist on posting blatant links that might as well go nowhere. People are all over that need some refreshing water and you insist on handing them a fist full of dry hot sand. What is worse, you then bemoan the fact that no one wants to join your program!

Just think about it!

It's really nothing more than good old fashioned common sense applied to the biblical admonition to treat your neighbor as you want to be treated.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

(I know this will fall on deaf ears and maybe collect a few meaningless empty Likes at best, but I feel better and now I can claim my daily challenge)

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