Bike Panniers are bags designed for bicycles as a great way for bicyclists to transport their items while riding their bicycle. The word pannier is French and means bread basket. Panniers were originally developed for use on animals to carry items from the farms to markets and were made of leather, wicker or canvas. Saddlebags are a type of pannier and cowboys in the Old West depended on them to carry all their supplies on long rides out on the range.

Today's panniers are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind. Panniers for bicycles are made to carry anything from lap top computers to groceries and can be mounted on the front or rear of the bicycle. Designed in two parts to hang on each side of your bike, they equally distribute the weight to make riding more comfortable. Panniers are able to be attached to existing front or rear racks and are removable so that you may take your pannier with you after parking your bike. Panniers made for touring bikes are large enough for the rider to carry several days' supplies of food, clothing and sleeping apparatus. Everyday commuters can purchase a pannier designed to carry laptops, books, briefcases, extra clothing and shoes and even lunch! Panniers are made with synthetic, water proof materials to keep your items safe and dry. Accessories are also available for purchase and they include shoulder straps for easy carrying, water bottle racks and locking security cables. They provide a wonderful way to carry all our items on your bike, replacing that heavy backpack you used to wear. They come in a wide variety of colors and styles and can by purchased from online merchants and in sports goods stores. Prices range from $40.00 for a Grocery Bag Pannier to $189.00 for a touring waterproof pannier.

Bike panniers have become a must have for the touring bicyclist as well as the everyday commuter and the hardest part of choosing a pannier will be choosing one that reflects your personal style. It is an important and necessary piece of bicycle equipment and with the varieties available of affordable panniers, there is no reason why you should be riding without one!

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