While coupling is the most desirable form of sensual activity for many men, most men are happy to engage in an occasional bout of outercourse (even if it may result in a fairly sore male organ at times). While this form of sensual activity is perhaps more frequently engaged in during adolescence, many adult men have found themselves happily participating at various points. As with many forms of sensual activity, the experience can be enhanced if a man is practicing appropriate male organ care as well.

What is it?

Outercourse involves the rubbing together of the crotches of two individuals while both are clothed, with the nether regions remaining covered as well. In some instances, it can also refer to one person self-pleasuring by simulating coupling-like movements against the bed, couch or another object while remaining clothed.

Teen-age dream

As mentioned above, this form of sensual activity is often a favorite pastime of adolescents, especially those who are still virgins. Because there is no skin-to-skin contact involving the reproductive organs, the risk of pregnancy or of spreading social infections through outercourse is almost zero. Due to this, outercourse allows teen-aged partners to experience a physical closeness, a simulation of coupling and a release while remaining virgins and running a very low risk of unintended consequences.


While there are many good reasons to engage in outercourse, there are also some drawbacks to this form of entertainment.  For example, for many men, once they have experienced the sensation of actual coupling, there is little desire to engage in outercourse (except, perhaps, as a form of pre-play leading to coupling). Outercourse may be seen by these men as a poor substitute for “the real thing.”

Messiness may also be a factor. If outercourse is carried through to its desired result, the man will release while still clothed. The seed will accumulate in his underwear or trousers, which some men find uncomfortable. In addition, in many cases the seed will seep through the underwear onto the outer jeans or trousers, creating a wet spot that may be a source of embarrassment if it is seen by others. That wet spot may also develop into a stain, altering the appearance of the pants and possibly making them unusable for future wear.


Beyond the untidiness associated with this form of activity, it can often lead to a very sore male organ – if an undeniably happy one. This only stands to reason: A man who frantically engages in outercourse is thrusting his manhood back and forth against fabric rather than lubricated skin, often in a manic or uncontrolled state of lust. Even soft fabrics like cotton can cause chafing, irritation and rashes in this situation, not to mention a high degree of soreness once a release has been achieved and a man can once again concentrate on something other than obtaining emission. 

Still, despite the threat of a sore male organ and other drawbacks, even fully grown men may find themselves engaged in outercourse at various times. It may be a way to engage in some covert sensual activity when exposure of the organ is too dangerous, and in such cases is quite welcomed.

For these instances – or just for those men who simply enjoy outercourse period – it’s important for a man to regularly employ a top-drawer male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). To combat the soreness and irritation that can accompany outercourse, a man should select a cream that contains a high-end emollient such as Shea butter in order to provide much-needed soothing relief. Vitamin C is another key ingredient for a quality cream; this vitamin makes strong contributions to collagen production and manhood tissue firmness, which is desirable after aggressive outercourse. Finally, acetyl L-carnitine should be among the cream’s ingredients; outercourse can cause a loss of sensation, which this ingredient’s neuroprotective properties may address.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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