Gooday Readers,

Have you checked out the Traffic Genesis Training yet?


If you need to get traffic and leads from the most profitable sources online you need to see this video before midnight when it goes away.


And as time is running out before the Grand Opening sale comes to an end, I wanted to share with you 13 awesome reasons why you should join today:


Reason #1 - A-Z Step-By-Step


Regardless of whether you've ran FB ads before and you're just looking to make improvements or if you're a complete newbie who hasn't spent a dime, Laura walks you through A-Z in the Facebook Traffic Genesis Training Course and breaks everything down in simple to follow step-by-step modules.


Traffic Genesis


Reason #2 - Winning Campaign Case Studies


Many people learn by watching the success of others, so you'll get to look over Laura's shoulder as she takes on a product in a random niche and walks you through the exact steps she takes to create a winning campaign. These videos will literally be your blueprint for every campaign you do.


Reason #3 - Private Facebook Community


You'll be able to connect with other Traffic Genesis members in our Private Facebook Coaching Group and get feedback on your advertising, landing pages, and other marketing materials. And of course we'll be popping in there as well to help you whenever we can.

 Traffic Genesis


Reason #4 - 8 Week Conversion Training


Traffic is awesome but, without conversions, it's useless. That's why you'll be receiving 8 weeks of LIVE Conversion Crushing Strategies Training from Andy and Mike. You may have caught our first training on Friday. That training was free for non-members to check out, and the feedback was phenomenal.


Traffic Genesis


Reason #5 - LIVE Traffic & Conversion Monthly Coaching


In addition to the Facebook group and 8 weeks of conversion training, you'll also get 12 months of LIVE Traffic & Conversion Monthly Coaching. On monthly webinars, they'll take your questions, review your ads, and provide feedback and coaching. Their "Bossathon" style coaching calls could last for hours, so it is very likely that you will get your personal questions addressed.


Reason #6 - Facebook Ad Creation Software


Creating your ads couldn't be any easier thanks to the Ad Creation Software you'll get access to. You'll easily be able to customize your images, create ads from scratch, and experiment with the latest ad conversion enhancements like color borders, dynamic text overlay, as well as some other pretty cool stuff.


Traffic Genesis


Reason #7 - 12 Months Of Video Updates


If you've run any form of advertising before, you know that, although the principles remain the same, the ad platforms themselves are constantly changing to make things better for the customer…and Facebook is no different. That's why you'll get 12 months of updates, so that every time Facebook changes, you'll get brand new training on what you need to know in order to continually dominate the market. Most courses might charge for updates, but you'll get them FREE as part of your Traffic Genesis Coaching Program.

Traffic Genesis


Reason #8 - Traffic Genesis Live Workshop


The Traffic Genesis live workshop right here in San Diego at the end of October. It's being held at a super nice resort with your fellow Traffic Genesis members in a no fluff, no screwing around enviroment with us giving you all we possibly can for three straight days. The best part is, you pay nothing to attend as a Traffic Genesis member.


This live event is only available if you buy before midnight tonight.


Click here to see if you made it in time.


Reason #9 - No Payments for 6 months


Mike and Andy have partnered with Paypal's Bill Me Later to offer No Payments for 6 months. This means you can start implementing your Traffic Genesis strategy today and pay nothing for the next six months. (Unfortunately, this is only available to those of you who live here in the US and who qualify.)


Traffic Genesis


Reason #10 - 6 Easy Payment Option


After a little arm twisting and many requests from several people, they have gone ahead and made Traffic Genesis available for 6 Easy Payments.


Reason #11 - Iron Clad Guarantee


Test drive Traffic Genesis for the next 30 days and, if this training doesn’t do exactly what they are promising, then they'll quite simply give you your money back.


Traffic Genesis


Reason #12 - The Science to Getting Traffic


This is a course you'll use for life as it was created based on years of first hand experiences and best practices. They have personally spent over $1MM on paid advertising, that have repeatedly 10X'd their investment. And, with the help of Laura Betterly, they have broken this down into the science to getting traffic.


Reason #13 - Marketing Genesis Approved


They are the company behind some of the biggest launches and products online including WebinarJam, Video Genesis, Genesis Labs, and much more.


BUT remember, the Grand Opening closes soon and many of these benefits will be going away for good.


Do yourself a favor and go watch this video now and take advantage of this powerful opportunity for your business today.


See You On The Inside :-)

Hidalgo Jones

Kajabi Marketing System





The Traffic Genesis Live Event is worth more than the entire coaching program in and of itself. However, they only have room for the first 500 who claim their seats. While thousands have already signed up for the training, there are still a number of seats available for the event. Remember there's no cost for this but be sure to register right away so you don't get locked out.



Remember, all of the bonuses are only available until midnight tonight.

Learn more about Traffic Genesis here.


Affiliate Disclosure:

I am grateful to be of service and bring you content, Like this message, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that Whenever you click the links in my message and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your Support in Purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people Worldwide to live more conscious lives.


Thank You!

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