In UK the number of muslims offering charity is way more than others. There are number of charities in UK, Islamic charities also, which are into upliftment activities for the poor muslims in the countries that are below the poverty level. Much of the development work is going on in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. The developmental activities of these organizations include projects like women empowerment, building orphanages, Sponsor an orphan programs, child sponsorship charity, providing health facilities, safe drinking water, food, shelter and clothing during emergency, educational programs for the poor children, etc. Here is a run down their developmental activities in brief.


Child Sponsorship Charity - These programs are carried out for upliftment of orphan children. In such programs, well to do families are request to sponsor a child. This is different from adoption in a way that the child does not live with the family but all the expenses of education are bared by the sponsoring family.


Child Education Programs - In such projects, UK charities work towards building schools and infrastructure for educating the kids. They also provide facilities like free books, breakfast and lunch to the children so that they come to school on daily basis. For children who live in remote locations, facilities like cycles are also provided. Many awareness programs are also carried out in villages for the parents, so that they send their children to school.


Child Orphanages - For the children who have no families, UK charities build orphanages with all the facilities which include shelter, schooling, food, toys, clothes and play area. It is like a home for the children. Health checkups from time to time are also carried out in these orphanages to ensure that these children remain in the pink of health always.


Livelihood programs - For families who do not have bread winners, the charities in UK organize training programs for the men and women of the family so that they can take care of their family themselves, independently. The training programs include weaving, tailoring, cattle rearing, dairy farming, cottage industry, electrical repair work, etc. With the help of these programs they have been able to bring smiles on the faces of many families. Loans for starting their business are also provided by these organizations t the really deserving people.


Women Empowerment - The class that has be exploited and harassed for quite a few decades have been the women and this story is still not changing. Hence for the empowerment of these women,Top UK charities are carrying out many different programs which include education through day and night schools, livelihood earning skills, computer training, etc. Thus, the charities are working towards making these women independent.


Thus, the UK charities are highly active and with the help of donations and charities come around from fellow muslims and others, the charities have done good development and upliftment work for the downtrodden families of the economically backward countries and have succeeded quite a bit in providing basic facilities like hygienic drinking water, clean toilets for homes, health check up camps and free surgeries or surgeries and medicines at nominal cost, food, shelter and clothing for the victims of natural calamities and much more. UK charities have been a real asset to the world, in short.

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