A common concern for many men who pay attention to good male organ health is whether the male seed they are producing is "okay." By this, they typically are thinking of a discovery that the color or consistency of their reproductive fluid has varied in some way from what is typical for them. In most such cases, the variation is caused by benign factors; however, it's a good idea to know when a variation might indicate the possibility of a health issue that should be addressed.

Typical male seed

The production of male seed is a collaborative effort involving several body parts. The seminal vesicles create the majority of the fluid, typically around 60 - 65% of the total volume. The prostate kicks in another 30 – 35%, and the balls and epididymis add in the final 5% or so.

When released, male seed is initially somewhat thick but becomes thinner after a half hour or so. In most cases, its color is a cloudy white or white with a grey-ish or yellowy tinge; the whiteness is due to the high amount of proteins found in male seed. It tends to have a distinctive odor which many describe as slightly like chlorine. Male seed tends to be high in fructose and therefore tastes slightly sweet.

Most times, the amount of male seed released is between 2 ml and 5 ml.  (5 ml is just about one teaspoon). The number of swimmers in a typical emission varies from about 40 million to upwards of 600 million.

Changes in color

As stated above, male seed tends to be basically white, with some variation in hue to greyish or yellow. At other times, there can be a greater variation in color, and these variations may indicate a possible health-related issue.

- Yellow male seed. Although male seed often has a slight yellow tinge to it, when the yellow is pronounced, it may indicate a number of things. It is possible that there is some urine mixed in with the male seed. It may also mean that the male seed contains a larger than usual number of expired swimmers; this most often occurs if a man is releasing for the first time in a long time. A urinary tract infection may also cause male seed to yellow, as can some partner transmitted infection. A urinary tract or partner transmitted infection should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

- Green male seed. Male seed that has a green color very often indicates an infection. It may also indicate a possible prostate issue. Consulting a doctor promptly is a good idea.

- Red, brown or pink male seed. The presence of blood may cause male seed to take on a red, brown or pink tint. Often this may be due to a burst blood vessel and resolves itself quickly; if, however, there is a large amount of blood or if it continues beyond two or three days, a doctor should be consulted; it could indicate an infection or a more serious trauma. 

Changes in volume/consistency

- Low volume. Often, a low volume of male seed is due to nothing more than frequent emissions; however, if volume decreases without a change in the amount of emissions, it may indicate a blockage or possibly retrograde emission (in which the male seed is discharged into the bladder). A doctor examination can provide the necessary answers.

- Consistency. Usually a thinning of the male seed is due to a man's diet or to frequent emissions. It can also be due to a low swimmers count. An overly thick or lumpy male seed may be a sign of dehydration or of low androgen. If a man is well hydrated and still has lumpy male seed after two or three weeks, he may consult a doctor to see if hormone levels should be adjusted. 

Keeping an eye on male seed can help predict male organ health issues; using a superior male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help maintain the overall fitness of one's equipment. Those creams with a first rate antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can offset harmful oxidative processes that early age male organ cells. Also important in a cream: the presence of vitamin D to help fight disease and enable optimum cell functionality.

Visit http://www.man1health.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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