Male dysfunction is often thought of as an age-related problem; unfortunately, men who are a little past their prime may be too quick to dismiss impotence issues as a natural side effect of the aging process. If they address the problem at all, they may focus only on its effects on their bedroom performance and look for medications or other means that only target the immediate problem. On the other hand, male dysfunction can be an indicator of a more serious problem, so it is critical not to ignore this important symptom as only affecting male organ health and performance.

Furthermore, male dysfunction does not only affect older men; guys who are much younger – even in their late teens and early 20s – have often reported performance issues as having a negative effect on their romantic lives. For these younger men, it can be even more difficult to see treatment, because what young guy wants to admit to a doctor that he is having trouble getting it up? But men who do seek appropriate medical attention often discover that the problem is related to a larger issue, and addressing problems with heart health can also improve their ability to perform in bed.

Here are just a few of the issues that relate heart function to male health:

1. Release of nitric oxide­ – Both the heart and the male tissue are lined with endothelium, a type of tissue that responds to the release of nitric oxide – a vital part of the chain reaction that signals an increase in blood flow. When this tissue is unhealthy, or insufficient levels of nitric oxide are unavailable, it does not function properly, and neither the heart nor the male organ performs at a normal level. Therefore, signs of male dysfunction could also indicate a problem with the cardiovascular system.

2. Atherosclerosis – This condition, characterized by an accumulation of plaque in the arteries, effectively decreases blood flow to all parts of the body. Because the male organ contains much smaller blood vessels than other parts of the body, poor performance in this area is often the first sign of dangerous clogging that can lead to heart attack or stroke if it is not addressed.

3. High blood pressure – This condition can be highly damaging to the cardiovascular system, and blood vessels that are not in good repair simply do not function as well when it comes to supplying the body with blood. Again, the male organ may serve as an early warning sign for this potentially dangerous disease.

4. Diabetes­ – Diabetes is a systemic disease which affects many of the body’s normal processes and can cause severe damage if it is not well-controlled. Diabetes is most often seen in individuals who are severely overweight and can have a negative effect on cardiovascular and nerve health. Men with diabetes may experience diabetic neuropathy, which can cause numbness or tingling in the male organ and other extremities; they may also experience numerous heart-related problems which translate to reduced male function, as well.

Clearly, all of these issues can have significant effect on a man’s well-being and quality of life. Therefore, male dysfunction is something that should not be ignored; consistent inability to get hard long enough to complete coupling is a sign that a medical evaluation is needed.

Daily care for overall male organ health

While treating male dysfunction can be a complex issue and requires the help of a knowledgeable medical professional, men can take some simple steps that can help to improve their overall health, and by extension, their male performance.

First and foremost, men should follow an appropriate diet, following the daily recommendations for calories and nutrients for their age group. For overweight men, dropping the extra pounds can go a long way toward resolving many health problems. However, men should watch out for fad diets that limit certain nutrients or encourage rapid weight loss, because these can be damaging in their own right. Instead, eating sensibly, exercising regularly, and consulting with a nutritionist or doctor are the best steps to follow.

Another positive step is to use a target male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains vital nutrients needed to support the formation and repair of the skin, nerve cells, and above all, the circulatory tissue of the male organ. Adding a male cream to the daily personal care routine is not a cure for male dysfunction, but it can be a valuable addition when it comes to overall male organ health care.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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