Well first of all let me explain what a Viral Mailer is?  My definition of a Viral Mailer is you can use your credits to send your email to the other sites members.

When a person signs up to a Viral Mailer they are agreeing to view other members email and receive credits for doing so in exchange for you viewing theirs.  Do they work?  Personally, right now the click thru rate (CTR) on most mailers are between 5 as high as 30% - now if you are like me a watch your tracking - you know that is great results.

Over the years I have learned to keep your email to the point - you only have a short time to get their attention before they are going to click that link and go to your url you are sending them to.  So what I have also found is a great headline, some bullet points letting them know why they should try out.

If you have not used Viral Mailers before then here is an example that I use when promoting my mailer

Why Zaney Mailz?

Fast and Free to Join
Quick and Easy to Use Mailer
Real People Seeing and Viewing Your Sites
Banner & Text Advertising
Downline Builder
Very Active Owner/Admin
OTO promotions and Upgrade Bonuses
2000 Credit Signup Bonus with Promo Code

Just that short and sweet - and then add my URL to the site that is getting me the best results and how will you know - from your tracking.

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