Search engine optimization techniques are divided into two groups: the so-called Black hat SEO techniques, which use illegitimate practices of optimizing a website, and White hat SEO techniques, which prefer to work with the search engines guidelines in order to achieve lasting success. A number of Black Hat vendors have turned to White hat SEO techniques over the past year; however, there are still many unethical vendors claiming to practice SEO soliciting business.

Black hat SEO techniques are mostly adopted by people who want the changes in SERPs very quickly and for short period of time. But these are spam techniques and Black hat SEO providers often fail to notify the client that they use spam techniques to achieve those rankings. To avoid that type of trap, better that you be aware of those unethical techniques, which are considered negatively among the search engines:

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  1. Keyword stuffing: Stuffing a site with keywords can impact negatively on the usability of a site and should be avoided at all costs.

  2. Cloaking

  3. Mirror sites: An alternate Web site or datacenter that contains the same information as the original. Such "download mirrors" are often placed in different locations throughout the Internet.

  4. Doorway pages: These web pages that are created to rank high in search engine results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending you to a different page.

  5. Link spam: Commonly called "Googlebombing", it can be a prank (type "miserable failure" into Google to demonstrate), or a deliberate attempt to influence ranking for commercial gain.

  6. Hidden Text or Links
... For more details, please visit this page: Black hat SEO techniques.

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