When Doctor Manhood suggests that it’s time to engage in sensual activity, most men would do well to heed the call. After all, Doctor Manhood is not only, well, a male organ, but he also understands that indoor sports offer some unique reproductive health benefits. Even if most men already find intimacy to be intensely enjoyable, it's encouraging to know that proper male organ care and usage can be a great long-term health investment: one that will outlast the pleasure of a moment.

So what are some of these benefits, Doctor Manhood?

A Fitter Body.

Having regular intimacy can be a fantastic full body workout for any man. Plenty of guys will work themselves into a healthy sweat with all the vigorous thrusting that accompanies intimacy, increasing their heart rates, and burning some spare calories in the process. Granted, sensual exercise alone will only burn about five calories per minute, but depending on the amount of sensual activity that any given man enjoys in his day-to-day routine, those calories can add up quickly. Plus, maintaining all those positions will often strengthen various muscles groups – including some that most men don’t even think to train at the gym.

A Stronger Immune System.

Studies have shown that people who have intimacy regularly take fewer sick days, suggesting that healthy sensual activity can do wonders for the average man’s immune system. Of course, intimacy should be supplemented with eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and using proper protection when engaging in sensual play. But rest assured, all those intimate sessions could offer extra protection come cold season. 

Decreased Blood Pressure and Heart Attack Risk.

Sensual relations can have a positive effect on a person’s blood pressure, leading to a lower systolic reading -the reading that measures the pressure in the arteries as the heart beats. By reducing blood pressure and boosting the heart rate, an active intimacy life can also lessen the risk of suffering a heart attack. This is especially true for men. Sensual activity increases the production of testosterone, which plays an important role in keeping the heart healthy and decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Lowered Prostate Cancer Risk.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a report which argued that men who come 21 times or more each month have a substantially lower risk of developing prostate cancer. The type of sensual activity that precedes these emissions doesn't matter: penetration, oral intimacy, self-stimulation, and even wet dreams qualify. The bottom line is, keeping those pipes clean may be the key to maintaining a healthy prostate.

Improved Outlook and Mood.

Stress and tension are among the most serious health problems faced by men of modern society. Intimacy, especially intimacy that builds to an emission, can be an effective release valve for stress and tension. It can also help many men sleep better at night by releasing a soothing hormone called prolactin into the body. That’s why squeezing in some great sensual play – with or without a partner – the night before a big presentation at work or a long trip can put many men on pathways to success.

For most men, a healthy male organ will result in a healthier state of being. In addition to engaging in regular sensual activity, male organ health can also be augmented through the daily use of a superior male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). When searching for the right cream, men should look for products that include alpha lipoic acid to help prevent early aging of male organ cells. Ideally, the cream will also contain vitamin C, an important structural component of blood vessels that can improve blood flow to the male organ tissue. 

Visit http://www.man1health.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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