Choosing a gift for someone is always a confusing task as it requires a keen understanding of likeness of the receiver. And, it become even more difficult when it comes to selecting a unique gift for elderly as everything that we think is new actually usual and old for them. Thus, the best way to please them is presenting them things that can help them recall their old memories, and keep them busy when they have nothing to do.  

There are several elderly memory gifts available these days, some of them are:

Videos of old family events: children’s care and love are the best gift for old people. A family support is the only thing that makes them happy and healthy as well. You can present them a video collection of those family events that they had organised to celebrate the togetherness of family. In this way you can realise them the value of their support in your life. Moreover, with this you can provide the remedial effects to their memory.  

Warm and aroma therapy Garments: with the growing age the body of elderly becomes weak and victim of several diseases. Some of these develop due to the weather change and climate effects. Knee, neck and back pain are common in almost all the seniors. If your elderly is also one of such you can present them different aroma therapy products and warm cloth. These will take-care them effectively. It could be a pair of heatable sock or knitted lap blanket in multi colors.     

Helping devices: due to the growing age elderly can face unexpected circumstances and if they have a helping device like mobile phone, they can contact you for help. Moreover, this device can help them to talk with their old friends and recall their golden days back. So, present an easy functioning mobile phone to your elderly. You can also gift other helping equipments like a new pair of hearing aid and many others.

A picture collection: this is the best gift if you are finding the signs of memory loss in your elderly. With this you can recall their memory and make them happy by helping reviving the special moments of life. Add the picture of every aspect of life: from their youth to your childhood and you as an adult also. Remind the wedding, picnic and birthday occasion to please them.   

With all these gifts you can provide your old parents with love that they deserve from you. There are several games also available that can be best friend of them. Scrabble and ‘shake loose a memory’ are the best example of these gifts. These can double the pleasure when you join the game with your parents. Whatever your gift is, it is better present it with your emotional support. Only then you can help your senior in a right sense. Help them avoiding isolation is the greatest care, so spend as much time with them as you can. 

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