Every online marketer knows how important it is to attract more customers to their products/services. Without customers your business will flop. So give me 7 min and 16 seconds of your time and I would show you how to make your business more successful. I am going to share a video with you which have made me more successful and I now have more time to spend on other things in life which I enjoy. This video shows you how to start attracting customers to your website by creating a digital "Customer Magnet" for your website, product or blog. This training is completely free (no opt-in) and is one of the key strategies I use myself to attract leads.

Simply click here to watch the video.

You also get the software to do it 100% free and it has a free built in email auto-responder too!

Click here to see for yourself!

Seriously.. this is for real. These guys have been doing this for 10 years.. that’s like a lifetime in the online world.

Here is what you get with this free software:

Quality Email Marketing That is Free.

Free Email Marketing system
    Unlimited Broadcasting
    Import your existing Contacts
    Unlimited Autoresponder List
Free Video training
    How to create a customer magnet to attract customers and increase referrals
    7 Free ways to build a new email list fast
    How to build your email list on Facebook
Get Delivered
    This hybrid opt-in technology gives you exceptional delivery with confirm opt-in, and you can still email those who forget to confirm through a separate sending network so you never compromise your email deliverability.

Easily Manage Your Lists
    Our simple contact manager allows you to access all your client data and manage your prospects.
Unlimited Broadcasts and Features
    Unlike the other guys, we don't charge for extras or usage. It's all included.

Easily Create & Send Promotions
    Our simple online email creator allows you to build a new email or use an existing promo as a template.
Everywhere Opt-ins
    Being everywhere in your marketing can be hard, but we make it easy with Response Magic.

Easily Manage Your Lists
    Our stealthy analytics allows you to see who click offers and with one click you can "splinter & soak" your interested leads by easily moving them to a special offer list.

Share Free Advice. Give Free Software
    Earn Residual Income for Life.

Customers Need Response Magic
    Leverage a quality service that's been helping entrepreneurs and businesses since 1999.
Residual Income & Up-Front Payouts
    Earn 40% commission monthly and up-front from yearly payments.
FREE offer, No Selling Required
    You send your referrals to get free informative training, they get their free account and we quickly turn them into sales for you.
No Cookie Expiration
    Send a Free user our way, and we track it for life so you get credit when they upgrade!
Easy Payouts
    Get a check or direct PayPal transfer.
Real-Time Tracking
    Track your sign-ups, sales and commissions in real-time.

Making internet marketing as simple as it should be.

    We make it simple to attract your target market and build "authority" and influence in your market.
Hybrid Opt-in Technology
    Confirm opt-in when it's needed and direct contact when it's not.

    Confirm opt-in requires users to click a confirmation link when they join your email list. Lets face it, sometimes users that want your content just forget. But it's vital to email delivery to make sure the leads on your list are legitimate. So with Response Magic, we have developed a way to detect if an opt-in is legitimate. If they are, you can still email those users who don't confirm, increasing your total opt-ins and your sales.

Everywhere Opt-In
    Being everywhere in your marketing can be hard, but with Response Magic we make it easy

    Just create one "Customer Magnet" with our easy-to-use wizard and it automatically creates multiple strategies for collecting opt-ins. Collect opt-ins on your blog or website with our instantly generated opt-in forms.

Capture contact from Facebook with our Instant Facebook Fan page system.
    Don't have a website? No problem, Response Magic creates instant lead generating web pages for you and hosts them for you, for Free!

All you have to do is create your first customer magnet with our customer magnet wizard.

Customer Magnet Wizard
    Business owners need conversion to build an email list, not just the code.

    With the customer magnet wizard, we walk you through the exact same process we use to create our customer magnets in house, so that you build your list faster, influence more people and grow your business.

Dave Saunders
Markit Business Solutions

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