There are countless slang terms out there to refer to various self-pleasuring techniques.  Whether a guy prefers to jerk off, choke the chicken, wank off or spank the monkey, it all means the same thing: to self-stimulate.  Often quicker than intimacy and almost always a sure thing, most men begin experimenting in their early teens.  In fact, for many men, it becomes part of the daily routine. For others, however, it begs the question: “Does self-pleasuring interfere with one’s relationship?”  There are two opposing schools of thought on this question, and whichever point of view a man believes in, one thing is for sure – a man needs a healthy male organ that is raring to go for both solo acts and duets, depending on what the moment calls for.

Self-Pleasuring and the Committed Relationship

When it comes to being in a relationship, some men throw self-pleasuring out the window and prefer to hold out for the real thing whenever possible.  In fact, some couples abide by a “no solo sessions rule” for either side, perhaps thinking that it is better to scratch that itch as a couple and stay connected in the bedroom, rather than take care of one’s needs without their partner.  On the other hand, there are men and women who feel that self-pleasuring is just another extension of a healthy romantic life and that there is no need to curb that urge, regardless of being in a committed relationship. There are certainly arguments to be made for each side, but no matter what the decision is, the best outcome is going to happen when both parties agree on what works best for them in terms of their relations.

Why Self-love Can Improve One’s Intimate Life

Interestingly enough, get frisky alone can actually improve things between the sheets when it comes time to get it on together.  Both men and women can learn more about what they like in bed by experimenting with self-pleasuring.  If an individual knows exactly what they like – and is able to communicate it to his or her partner –fireworks can happen in no time by giving their partner a guided tour of their business.  Furthermore, self-pleasuring can be especially useful for men struggling with early release. As a man becomes more familiar with what the lead-up to the Big O feels like, he can learn how to tailor his actions before the point of no return happens, thereby helping him to last longer when he is with a partner.  Likewise, women who struggle with female lack of pleasure can use self-stimulation to learn where and how to touch or be touched so that they can achieve release with their partner.

Why Certain Self-Pleasuring Techniques Can Hinder One’s Romantic Life

As always, there are two sides to every coin.  Self-pleasuring can be taken too far, which can eventually hinder the couple’s physical relationship.  When a man is stroking himself, he may perform actions – such as excessive speed or pressure – that cannot be simulated by his partner or by intimacy in its most pure form. He may, therefore, become desensitized or even unable to finish by traditional .measures, which could in turn reduce the amount of intimacy he is having with his partner.  Likewise, a female who relies on a mechanical device may derive less pleasure from her partner, as the toy provides a sensation that cannot be replicated by her partner alone.  The moral of the story, perhaps, is not to rely on one single type of physical gratification, as it may impact one’s ability to enjoy other forms of pleasure.

Why a Healthy Male Organ is Important

Regardless of if a man is engaging in batting practice or hoping to hit a homerun for the team, one thing is always needed: a healthy male organ.  Over time, the male organ can sustain a certain amount of nerve damage.  Aggressive coupling and self-pleasuring can lead to injury of the peripheral male organ nerves, which eventually leads to desensitization and a reduction of male sensitivity.  Using a daily male organ vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing acetyl L carnitine can protect the male organ from nerve damage and assist in restoring that sensitivity, making sensuality in any form that much better.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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