The digits of referrals you can surely generate specifically for your affiliate marketing program can span from a few dozen to several hundreds. Great if there are just a couple of names on your list so far since they would be easy to familiarize with but precisely what if you've collected enough names equivalent to a mid-sized city's worth of phone numbers? With no organized system, one could easily lose potential income from referrals will not be able to monitor. Discover how to keep track of your affiliate referrals offline and online so you'll never have to waste your time and effort.

Offline tracking specialist techniques

Just because you're in affiliate marketing does not imply all your affiliate referral prospecting methods are limited online. Offline activities can possibly be incredibly an excellent option for generating leads. 

If you're the type an energetic online business life, you probably make use of conferences, trade shows and meetings to mine affiliate referrals. If you do, then make certain that you are organized sufficient to take advantage of all the prospects you get in touch with during these occasions.

A superb way to do this is to obtain a prospect's business card. That piece of paper should hold enough information for you to use later so you can get in touch with that person. If you do in fact attend multiple events or are constantly generating leads online, make a few notes on the back of the business cards to ensure you always remember important information about the partner, such as the event they attended, what they said as well as other business-related stuff you might have discussed.

Keep all business cards collected specifically for your affiliate marketing program separate from your other business cards. This will certainly prevent confusion later when you begin communicating with these people. Don't be afraid to utilize labels and to make notes – this will help ensure that you keep good track record of all your affiliate referrals and never forget critical information and data.

Online tracking specialist techniques

Perhaps one of the fastest and the majority of convenient methods to track affiliate referrals is usually to use online resources. Some of these include:

An affiliate referral tracking application

Once your referral activities begin in earnest, you'll discover it challenging to manually track the number of referrals you bring to your affiliate company's website. You'll need a reliable application to implement this efficiently. Best of these referral tracking applications may very well be downloaded for free, no matter how might prefer premium editions if your affiliate business is big enough.

These applications are quite easy to use which gives you the opportunity to conveniently keep track of the activities of your affiliate referrals. The majority of applications even offer extras, such as features that enable you to monitor your banner exchanges, start pages and affiliate links – essentially the variety activities you'll been doing as a way to promote your website.

Your affiliate marketing program's tracking system

Largest percentage of established affiliate marketing programs have their own tracking system for their affiliate's referrals. Check your program for this. You'll usually only need your own affiliate ID in order to gain access your stats. 

Your affiliate program is able to do this because the affiliate links you post on your web pages are coded. This usually comes in the form of a tracking cookie. Each and every time your visitors merely click that link and arrives on the affiliate company's website, their tracking system will register the unique code coming from your site.

Activities associated to this code will be kept in the company's system which you can view at any time.

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