Poverty And Riches



A hungry hand grabs a morsel of bread as it falls on the grey pavement. My eyes move from the hand to the sweet, soiled face. What has the World come to that small children must forage for food like wild animals?

Tears well up in my eyes as I think of how many of us are up in the clouds thinking we are greater than the Almighty, with an abundance of food, clothing and a place to call home, while these children are dying day by day, with nothing to eat and no warm place to sleep.

The little hand touches mine and as I look down into her Golden eyes she says," Mister, why are you crying?" I look down into her Angelic face all I can say is, "My dear child, my heart bleeds for you, for the way you are forced to live."…

To which she replies, "I live like a Queen. You see Mister, I have found God and he has provided for me. I may not have money, but who needs money, when you have a full belly and a warm alley in which to sleep."

I was dumbstruck and thought to myself, She is wealthier than I as she has found God and, I have forgotten him. I have used all excuses in my life to steer away from religion but this little girl, with her soiled Angelic face and sweet voice has given me a wake up call.

She has shown me that no matter how poor you may be, the Lord will always be there to provide and look after you. So even though they are poor they have an immense wealth in His love.

I never saw the "Little Angel" after that day but heard that she had passed away. But that as she was dying, she kept telling everyone around, that she has finally found the way to her God and that if someone should inquire about her, to tell them that she is standing beside Him and that she will always be in their hearts.

So let this be a lesson to us all, as we sit in our cosy houses, that no matter our physical wealth, we will never be rich in faith without finding the Lord...

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