Hair is the most important part of our body. Everyone especially young girls and boys wants their hair look long, silky and shine. Hair increase the looks of our body and help us to improve our personality. If we are not caring of our hair so it will look weird. This will be worst part of our life. Here are some good tips about your hairs shared by Healthcob in article 5 powerful ways to get long and silky hair.

1) Conditioning your hair after shampoo
Shampoo helps you to remove the dust and dirty small particles which are polluting your hair. After shampoo you should use sulfate free conditioner.

2) Comb your hair after Conditioning
Combing your hair removes the particles which are not removed during the first phase (shampoo and conditioning). It also helps to straight the hair. We need a wide comb during this phase.

3) Oil Massage Over Head 
Oil massage is the most famous way to get long and silky hair from past decays. Massage helps our hair to grow naturally fast and make it shiny.

4) Flat Ironing
In present flat ironing is the best way to get straight hair. It helps our hair to remove dryness and puffiness of our hair. 

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