Have you ever heard the saying, “fish is great brain food”? Well, while there's little solid evidence to support the aphorism, there's no denying that eating fish positively affects your health. In fact, nutritionists generally agree that you should eat at least 2 servings of fish per week. Here are some of the biggest reasons you should add fish to your diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Many types of fish contain the magical oil known as omega-3 fatty acids. OK, so it isn't magic, but it offers your body many proven benefits. Perhaps the main benefits of omega-3 are that it plays a large role in keeping your arteries free of blockage and lowers your blood pressure. In turn, your risk of heart disease and stroke drops. They also help reduce inflammation in your body. As a result, you stand less of a chance of developing arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. Some even speculate that omega-3 might actually aid in brain development. Fish especially high in omega-3 are salmon, tuna, and trout. 

Low Saturated Fat
Good fat, bad fat- what's the difference? The omega-3 found in some fish is a type of polyunsaturated fat, a good fat. On the other hand, saturated fat causes problems if you eat too much of it. While your body does need small amounts of saturated fat, you want to limit it to less than 10% of your caloric intake. Unfortunately for you carnivores, most meats are packed with high levels of saturated fats- but not fish. So when you choose fish over beef, you're cutting out the artery clogging saturated fat.

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