Landing Pages the key to making money from traffic

Landing pages are the key tool used to begin the process of converting website traffic into paying customers. It is essential that your Landing Page converts at the highest possible rate to achieve a good click through rate and a good return on investment. (ROI) The sole purpose of Landing Pages is to gather the name and e-mail address of the viewer of the Landing Page.
  Landing Page example

Landing Pages Key Concepts

The image above details the key concepts of a landing page, these include the Heading, Sub-heading  Video or bullets, Clear call to action and a visual drawing the attention of the visitor to the sign up form.

Landing Page Heading

Stop Button The main purpose headings on Landing Pages is to create curiosity for the viewer so that they stop what they are doing and focus on the Landing Page. The heading on Landing Pages are designed to draw the eye quickly then captivate the viewer to read more of the Landing Page or watch the video. Bold Colours and Bold Statements about free offers work well.


Landing Page Sub Heading

Sub headings on Landing pages are designed to expand on the statements made in the heading. Sub headings aim to add further credibility to the Heading statement and draw the view further along the action path.


Landing Page Video or Bullets

Video's or Bullet points on Landing Pages emphasize one thing and one thing only, and that is the benefits of the product or service that's it. Keep video's to the point and you do not want to make it any longer than two minutes and ensure you have a call to action at the end of the video. Bullets are used instead of videos and are particularly useful when your target audience has very little time to view your Landing Page, such as traffic exchanges.


Landing Page Visual Aid

Landing Page visual aids are used on Landing Pages to draw the attention of the viewer to the form and can in some circumstances aid in getting a viewer to spend more time on the Landing Page. Some examples below:


Landing Page Clear Call to action

Landing Page clear call to action button are used on landing pages to make the viewer take action and submit there contact details. The call to action is the complete process from header to submission of their details. It all must flow smoothly and have zero errors, and this includes the button the view presses to request your offer.


Colours in Landing Pages

Yellow brush Yellow often used as a background to dark colours and is very good for Red. Particularly useful to highlight individual words   

  Red Brush Red often used for the font colour on a yellow background and as arrow colour.    

Blue Brush Blue often used in font's, depending on the background and used a lot in the banking industry where trust is required.    

GREEN Brush Green is an easy colour for the brain to process an is often seen as backgrounds or images requiring a calming effect. Green is associated with wealth.   

   Black brush Black is a powerful colour that makes a statement, especially when used in a bold font. Black is often used to highlight text and provide definition to borders and shadow.     

Orange Orange is a smooth colour that lends itself to a variety of fonts and graphics, and is especially useful for borders and attention grabbing. 

Other Considerations For Landing Pages

Landing Pages are a great tool for monetizing your traffic, however they need to be done right for you to achieve maximum results. When you build a Landing Page keep the content above the fold so that a viewer does not have to scroll the page down to see your page. Landing Pages are also webpages on your site which means they can be ranked in Google for the search term which is relevant to your page, so remember to do your SEO for the page and also put your Google analytic's in your landing page.


Landing Pages vs Capture Pages

Landing pages are used to capture either an email address or email address and name. Once this is receive then the person is normally forwarded onto a capture page where more detail is gathered and for example systems that use SMS marketing can be implemented if phone numbers are gathered. Below is some examples: 
  •  A Landing Page that gives away free product see it Live click here 
  • The free product landing page forwards to this page click here 
  • This landing page is designed to intrigue people, click here 
  • The intriguing landing pages goes here, click here


Creating Landing Pages is not difficult if you have the time and some web page creation experience. Once your page is created it is advised to make a similar one with different colours and fonts and test both of them to see which one converts better. Continue testing and tweaking until you are happy with the results. Once you are happy with the conversion results then begin to drive large amounts of traffic at your landing page.    

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