Video Conferencing is a technology which allows the users to communicate from two or more locations simultaneously through audio and video devices.In Recent years this solution is drastically used in many sectors like Education,Medical,Health care,Pharmaceutical,Finance,Banking,Government,Hospitality, Research and development Sectors.

Education plays a vital role in one's life.It plays a crucial role in personnel development. Video Conferencing is highly impactable technology in educational field.It is a technology to communicate the distant tutors and students at one place.In recent days many schools and colleges gaining reputation by using this video conferencing technology in their places.

Students with different places can explore their knowledge, sharing the information and getting the ideas about the subject.Distance learning is one of the advantage for the people who are using this technology.Video Conferencing technology shows the visual representation knowledge.In this way Video Conferencing is cost effective, time saving and highly useful technology in all sectors.Especially this technology is the best solution for the educational sector.

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