There are many ways to improve searching engine rankings, like bookmarking submission, directory submissions, increase internal pages included, etc. This article mainly introduces how directory submissions can improve search engineer rankings.


To explain this question, we should know what is a directory and what does it mean directory submission. A directory is a collection or a list of website addresses that are well organized by some professional websites. The category, title, description, keywords of your websites should be registered to the directory websites and you should make your website unique from other websites. In terms of directory submissions, it means you should submit unique information about you websites to the directory webpages. Some directory websites only accept paid URL, it means you should pay for the website if you want to submit your homepage or domain and you have to pay some money. Some directory free submission but you need to add the directory websites as reciprocal link, and if the websites don’t detect that there is a link on your websites, you cannot successfully submit your URL. Of course, there are some websites provide free URL submission all two or all of these kinds.


Nowadays, directories submission become a popular way to get traffic in external link back to websites as it counts a vote to your website in search engines points of view. Submitting your websites to directories can help search engine find your website in short time and the more you submit, the more traffic get to your websites, which means your websites get popularity from other websites so that it improves search engine positioning and rankings. Just like you can submit the URL of your blogs, articles to bookmark websites to get votes from readers and make them popular. When someone reads your article, they will share to social websites and make your blogs or articles popular. If you are a gamer selling runescape accounts, you can write some articles about runescape accounts for sale or buy rs account, then you can submit them to bookmark websites to make them vote for your articles and get traffic in Google.


If you can get hundreds or even thousands of directory websites to submit your websites, you can get link back which is a vote towards your websites and your websites search engine ranking grow fast.


There are two types of web directories. One is dynamic, and the other is static, both of which can get some traffic to your websites. However, dynamic directories are not helpful for improving your search engine positioning as they can’t be considered as a vote to your websites without a back link to your URL. In terms of static web directories, it helps to increase traffic and assist in improving search engine rankings with a direct external link to your websites, which means a vote is added to the website you have submitted.


As for how to choose high quality web directories, it depends on page ranks and some other factors. High quality web directories can get good traffic and improve rankings in search engine.


I provide some tips when you choose high quality web directories.

Most of all, it should be a static web directory. If it has high Google Page Rank and it divides the link into various categories, it would be highly preferable. When it has new inclusions, it should not move your submission to next pages or remove your submission from them. Those unstable websites should be not taken into your consideration.


Hope these can be helpful to choose high quality web directories to improve your rankings in search engine.

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