If there is any country that is eager to embrace what Pakistan is trying hard to get rid off, it is Sri Lanka. It poses to practice Buddhist teaching while actually going against the sermons of The Buddha.
    Sri Lanka is treating dissidence within, not in the spirit of democracy, but like Gaddafi, Musharraf and Idi Amin. In doing so it has pirated almost the whole repository of Pakistani dictators and their coveted I.S.I. While Pakistan is learning precious lessons in democracy after loosing about half a century chasing unrealizable dreams of its idiot military rulers, Sri Lanks seems to be hell-bent to act like blood-thirsty ogres.
    After defeating LTTE it has, up to now,  massacred more than 40,000 Hindus and Muslims of Tamil origin.Its main thrust was against Hindu sections since they were majority. After destroying them it has now started assaulting Muslims.
   Attack on a Muslim commercial establishment in the very heart of Sri Lankan capital shows how serious Sri Lanka is to teach Tamilians a lesson.
    Much critical is the fact that the assault was lead by a Buddhist monk. This is pure fascism. This shows that Lankans are committing this crime as 'a matter of faith'. 
  Conduct of India and Pakistan is quite shameful in this respect. India is virtually betraying the Sri Lankan Tamils (EELAM) since long.

   Fate has also taught Eealam people a bitter lesson that

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