Your working profile is clear. The job in question is there, your CV and your strategic illuminating letter had the desired effect.

Result: an invitation for an interview. Make it so that it is (engaging).

Knowing your profile in terms of skills, knowledge, personal values, points to improve, personal qualities, need's for guidance, management style, schedule and also, of course, salary, will give you a good opportunity to easily talk about yourself.


Have trust in yourself. Conditions caused by fears of interviews put your self confidence to the test. They are not in any way related to your ability to get the position or pass the interview successfully.

Be yourself and cling to the facts. Nobody is perfect and so many people are working ...
Decide to enjoy your time with the recruiter by talking honestly about yourself by answering all his questions. Well prepared, the job interview can be a pleasant experience.

Many times I heard someone telling me: (I got the job, yet it was not my best interview ...)

you do not have to be a very good speaker ... unless you are applying to be a lecturer! Be authentic. In an interview, you can take some time to think, to explain and, if necessary, to say (I don't know, I have not lived this experience).

The employer does not expect you to be perfect. He wants to validate your experiences and your competences, and see if you fit in his team or if he would enjoy working with you.

Basically, your presentation letter, your CV and interview are a repeat of the same speech. All interview questions are planned to get these points, you just have to know yourself, you prepare and then have to adapt to the style of the interviewer to describe your capabilities in relation to the position.

See every interview as a learning experience to talk about yourself more and more easily and as a step towards the position that really suits you.


Wanting to perform, be perfect, be selected (at any cost).

Do not always answer by a (yes) or (no) to the questions from recruiter.

Often say (sometime) or (maybe) and thus trivialize your abilities.

Exaggerate your abilities, it can be felt or will be obvious one day or the other.

Answer questions without enthusiasm or with arrogance.


Be yourself, make yourself known as you are.

Describe yourself honestly and strategically, all is not said. Practice.

Read the job description and learn more about the company.

Prepare your answers and give an example once in a while.

Do your best, then let go. The final decision is not yours.

You are welcome to visit my website: Rudy's Health Products

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