Having a well behaved child is what most parents strive for. Parent should start teaching their children at a very young age the need for good manners and proper behavior. When a child grows up following a set of guidelines that you have outlined it will make your life a lot easier.

How many times have you seen other peoples kids and they were just running wild? Did you ask yourself... Why are those parents not controlling those kids?

What are the chances of someone thinking that about your children?

It is hard to teach a child one thing about manners when you are not doing what they are being taught. I don't think that children are able to understand the old adage... do as I say and not as I do.

Always doing the right thing and behaving with good manners will be setting a good example for your children. You can hardly expect your kids to behave properly when the one who is teaching them is acting so inappropriately.

You should set down with your spouse and make up a set of guideline that you would like your children to follow.... along with the guidelines you should also set up the consequences that will occur if the guidelines are not followed.

Stop and think for a moment a habit that you may be doing now that you really do not want your children to do. The first one that pops into my mind is.. "are you a smoker?" Children naturally want to grow up to be just like their parents. Can you think of something that you do that you really won't like your children to do?

Teach by example... that is indeed the very best way for young minds to learn.

The guidelines that you have laid out must be followed. You simply can not have a guideline and sometimes you follow it and other times you do not. You must be consistent in your teaching of manners and good behavior

Make sure your children not only know the rules but also know that if the guidelines are not followed there will be consequences. Here again.. be consistent in the consequences too.

Always remember... these are children. They are just learning, Of course you want them to have good manners and behave properly.... Be consistent, but fair.

Sometimes they will test you just to see what they can and cannot get away with. I am sure that you might recall testing your parents when you were young....

Repetition is so important. Have a set of guidelines that both you and your children know. Stick to those guidelines. Keep at it until it is like second nature to your children.

Children need guidance...setting up a clear set of guidelines to be followed should be the first step. Having children that others enjoy being around really isn't that hard. It simply takes consistency...

Good manners and proper behavior never goes out of style... They will be a wonderful asset to them as they grow older.

I can highly recommend this book about raising children. It contains wonderful ideas and is a great resource for teaching your Children about the Law of Attraction

Goal Setting and Kids is a website that is dedicated to teaching your children about visualization, goal setting, money and The Law of Attraction. I hope you will visit and empower a child that you know and love!

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