Celebrating Valentine's Day is the perfect reason to reconnect with your partner and remember why you became a couple in the first place. Take the opportunity to make this year's romantic holiday one that you will reminisce about for years. Instead of a card or flowers, consider these five suggestions that will help reignite the passion romance in your relationship and bring the two of you closer than ever.

Take a Romantic Vacation

Sometimes getting away together on a romantic vacations is the best way to put the focus back on your partner without any outside distractions. Simply being alone without kids, bills, household chores and work is special. A romantic vacation can involve sitting on a sunny beach with an umbrella drink in hand, or cruising around Alaska. Whether it is for a week or for one night, taking a romantic vacation is a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Private Dinner For Two

Instead of going to the local restaurant for a typical evening out, consider cooking up a romantic menu for the two of you to share by candlelight at home. The setting will be intimate, the lighting should be low, and feelings will run high. If you are not the best cook, bring in take out from a high end restaurant, and serve it on your plates.

Put Your Feelings on Paper

When was the last time you really told each other how you felt? One of the most romantic gestures you can make for each other is also one of the least expensive. Write a book of love letters or love poems dedicated to your partner. Gifts like these are the ones that people hold on to for their whole lives. Meaningful and personal, your recipient will be overwhelmed by their gift.

Take Photos Together

Have you ever seen those strips of four pictures that people take in a photo booth? This Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity for you and your Valentine to take pictures together that you can cherish forever. Whether you go to a photo booth or to a professional photographer, the pictures you take will be keepsakes.

Be Silly Together

It can be very romantic to just be silly together. Make a fort in your living room with chairs and a blanket and have dinner in it on Valentine's Day. Go sledding and drink hot chocolate instead of going to a buttoned up upscale restaurant. Be creative and have fun with this concept. Love does not have to be serious. Smiles, laughter and fun can be very romantic with the right person.

For more on taking a Romantic Vacation, please visit MyReviewsNow.net

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