Welcome To JubiRev / JubiMax
 Good Day and welcome to our JubiRev / JubiMax Family. JubiRev is the marketing company for our customer portal, JubiMax. At JubiRev, we will lead the Revenue Sharing Revolution. JubiMax will help you "Look Good, Feel Good and Live Good." We are currently in our Pre-Registration phase which we expect will last for a few weeks while our manufacturers are ramping up to deliver our products to consumers. During this phase, this is a time to begin Team Building. Make sure you take time to go through our Video/Audio Training and attend as many of our live webinars and conference calls as you can. Phase 2 will begin our official Pre-Launch period. This is where you and your team will be able to purchase your monthly subscription and Jubi Executive Packages. We will pay commissions during this period. We will have multiple payout options to include a JubiProsperity Debit Card. More details will follow. Phase 3 is our Soft Launch when our Daily Revenue Sharing will commence.

YES. Over 7,000 joined the JubiREV.com prelaunch buzz! 
JubiMAX is Leading the Revenue Sharing Revolution....
People were staying up to get their prelaunch link at 5AM yesterday morning!  Over 1,000 members joined the first hour! 
The first day of the JubiREV.com Prelaunch was absolutely SERVER CRASHING and we upgraded our cloud servers 4 TIMES!

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