If you saw a dime on the ground.. would you pick it up? I know that I would. I always pick up coins that I find on the ground.... yes, even pennies. I think it is habit more than anything. Over the years I am sure that I have found and picked up a substantial amount of money.

Finding a dime on the ground may not seem like a lot but if you were combine your efforts with 100's of others on a routine basis.... those dimes would quickly add up. Campbell's and General Mills both offer the same concept as finding dimes on the ground....they both offer a way for your school to benefit by placing a specific label on their products that you collect and when turned into your school they are able to redeem them for CASH....

There are 2 companies that are trading labels for CASH.... Campbell's and General Mills.

Campbell's = Labels for Education
General Mills = Box Tops for Education

General Mills launched Box Tops for Education in 1996 on its cereal boxes. Since then, the program has given more than $400 million to schools across the country. Today, 30,000 schools participate in this nationwide fundraising program. New products are being added to the program constantly, so keep your eye out for the logo on your favorite products.

On this page http://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/clip/Brands.aspx you will find a list of products that have labels on them. Most are worth 10 each unless otherwise stated. Some are Bonus Box Tops are worth more but they contain the amount and an expiration date. The schools turn the labels into Box Tops for CASH and they are able to get a check twice a year. Up to $20,000 a year.... Just think what YOUR school could do with additional money.

If you want to PRINT off a list of participating box top products you can go here

Please keep in mind that more and more products are being added to that list. I am making it a habit to now look over all packages before I throw them out. It only takes a few seconds and it is able to produce such good.

I bet it you looked in your pantry now you would find lots of "Dimes".
Labels for Education is for Campbell's and many other products like Pepperidge Farms, Pop Secret, BIC, and Post just to name a few. These labels are turned into Campbell's for points that can be used to buy items like computer games, supplies, and items to use in the classroom.

You will find a list of participating Labels for Education products on the link below

Take a few moments to check each website for specific products and to make sure your school is enrolled. Each site has a handy search box for you to see what schools in your area are participating

Just another hint...Tyson labels are great because they are worth 24 cents each so that really adds up.

I bet you have a pantry FULL of labels just waiting to be clipped.
Once collected you can send these labels into school with your kids. Perhaps you could set up a collection box at your work place or your church. If people simply know about this I am sure they will be happy to help. We do not have any kids but this is something that is so easy to do and so beneficial that I will be checking out my food containers before I pitch them from now on.

Our Ida Library has a collection box for both Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education. Suzanne has the box placed on the window sill where the self service check out station is. Box Tops for Education go to the Ida Middle School and the Labels for Education go to the Ida Elementary School.

Please start collecting and help your school find extra CASH one of the easiest ways possible. A big thanks to both Labels for Education- Campbell's and Box Tops for Education- General Mills for offering this wonderful nationwide fundraiser. It really does not get much easier than this.Here are a couple of images of the labels that you are to be looking for. I found many shapes and sizes of the images. Once you get the hang of it they will be easy to spot!

Goal Setting and Kids is a website that is dedicated to teaching your children about visualization, goal setting, money and The Law of Attraction. I hope you will visit and empower a child that you know and love!

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