Most people when you hear the term duplication automatically think duplicate content. This is not always the case.I mean really? Is this how narrow minded so many have become? Many people mainly the new to the game marketer have become Google shy. The word duplicate has been pounded into our heads so much that many have been gun shy and almost afraid to think outside of the proverbial google box.  

When you think about duplication try looking at it this way:

When you think duplication try thinking of duplicating a process.  When you find something that works repeat the process over and over again.

What about duplicating a system?  How many times have you come across someone who has had good success with a specific system.  In this case duplicating what they do is a positive thing.

As Entrepreneurs our life goal is to search for new ideas and implement an action, but where do you think most of these ideas come from? They come from the tons of information we read everyday. Almost nothing we do is unique.  What is unique is how we process the information we received and turn it into a successful practice. Our whole life is based on duplication. Everything we are has been instilled in us from the day we were born. We were learning how to process life through our parents, our siblings, our teachers, our superiors and our friends.

What prompted this article is lately I've been reading an awful lot about duplicate content. It occurred to me that many people are only getting half of the information. "Duplicate" or "Duplication" are not bad words. They're simply not understood. 

Duplicating content is never a good practice but duplicating a process is something we been doing everyday of our lives. The world of duplication is so much more then most people tend to even look at as internet marketers, affiliate marketers multi level marketers or any other process you may do or call it. It's our duty to evaluate what we learn and carry that practice unto others. This practice is what helps keep us all healthy and vigilant  in our marketing careers.

Now let me throw in a very thought provoking quote:

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".- Charles Caleb Colton 

I would truly like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this subject.

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