Understanding Your Passive Leads Xplosion System:

* "System Leads Passed Up" are leads generated by you that have been passed up to your sponsor. (you need 4 to begin receiving your own Passive Leads Xplosion from others - where the real fun begins)

* "My System Leads Generated" are Passive Leads that have been passed up TO you by anyone in your group beyond the 4 you passed up, or Leads that you have personally generated after passing up your 4 System Leads to your invitor.

Once your site has automatically launched, every member who joins Passive Leads Xplosion through your referral link will be keyed to your account. The 4 System Leads Passed Up of every such user will be added to YOUR list. And, if your referrals upgrade, you'll earn $10 bucks on the annual upgrade fees!

So you get the double-opt-in email addresses for your list, and cold hard cash.

A win-win situation.

  • Get instantly set up to MAKE MONEY while building your list with your FREE Passive Leads Xplosion viral website. . .
  • You subscribe ONE PERSON to Passive Leads Xplosion and get GIVEN 4 MORE! (this is the exclusive 'Send 4 Viral Platform')
  • Shown exactly how to promote your Passive Leads Xplosion site using PROVEN Internet Marketing methods
  • Given proven ad copy AND shown exactly where to place them (very cheap!)

Your very 1st easy step is to get your first 4 'System Leads Passed Up , to automatically unlock your Passive Leads Xplosion website - turning it into your private, viral, list building machine. After getting your 4 base referrals,every single person you refer to your Passive Leads Xplosion website from that point forward is added to YOUR list alone (meaning they aren't subscribed to any other Passive Leads Xplosion member's list), and the viral Send 4 benefit kicks in where each of your subscribers' 4 System Leads Generated are ALSO added to your list (and not their own). . .

Now, Passive Leads Xplosion is free, and you can build a very big and profitable warm email list from it. . .but there is also a paid version, and this is where some even more exiting things happen! Don't feel obliged to go for the upsell, but you will earn a whole lot of $10 bills (Thousands), from it. The cost is $20 for an ENTIRE YEAR!!

Benefits of PRO:

Pro Mailer (use our system to email your leads)

Pro Downloads (download your leads via CSV)

Pro Automation (leads can automatically follow you into New Programs listed here)

Pro Money (earn $10 for every Pro Member you refer - Remember, lots of leads are being passed up TO YOU, and when they upgrade - You get the $$)

The folks who developed Passive Leads Xplosion are massive list building veterans in the make money online game too. This very reassuring. This may comfort you too, or you may not give a hill of beans as long as Passive Leads Xplosion works for you!

Which it totally will !!

Oh, and just one last thing. Many have literally just gotten set up with Passive Leads Xplosion and have leads on their list already! BUT, that is no way near as impressive as those who have sent out a few emails and have been paid several hundred to thousands from it!

Seriously, just get the word out on Passive Leads Xplosion now, and check it out for yourself, it's been a while since something as good as this as come down the pike.

Have fun and let us know your success stories!

Promote Long and Prosper 2013,

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