Exiting times.... I recently launched my second TE. A Dutch one named Meer-Bezoekers meaning More Visitors. Will it work? I honestly don't know. There are only few TEs in the Netherlands and Flamish Belgium. There is one big manual exchange DutchLeader that is popular. All others that I know of, are autosurfs. And those are popular for some reason.

Clueless why, I am not very fond of auto surfs because most of them can run in the background. Some have a timer that stops when you switch tabs. But my guess is many people let them run while watching TV or run it at night when they are sleeping. There are people that say that pages in autosurfs are viewed; I put in some tracker links in some to test that.

There recently was another Dutch exchange Pompoensurf, also manual. Unfortunately they are closing their doors. The owner said he spent a lot of money on modules that did not work properly. Not from Ventrino but from other programmers that refused to fix them despite numerous requests. There are programmers and as I call them 'wannabee programmers'. I had some bad experiences with those 'wannebees' myself. I now only use Ventrino plug ins or plug ins from programmers recommended by Ventrino. They are listed on the Ventrino homepage.

My new Dutch Exchange is running on the Ventrino Script. I like the Ventrino script because it also allows a banner exchange and a text ad exchange. And of course solo mails. This will allow my membesr to have a lot of advertising outside the TE since I own a start portal and a start page where people can create their own free start page where I can display the ads of my Dutch exchange. And I manage a lot of start pages owned by others.

The domain meer-bezoekers.info (meaning more-visitors) has been online for years but I now switched to domain meer-bezoekers.com. It has a lot of Dutch articles about generating traffic. I will probably republish those in a WP blog to improve rankings.

Recently the Dutch Apsense niche network reopened on domain HollandSocial.com It displays also Dutch ads from meer-bezoekers. I hope to introduce APSense and APSense add-ons to a larger Dutch audience and also ofcourse promote all my sites in Dutch language through both sites. Although it will take some time to build membership I think I have a realistic chance to be successful with this new Dutch manual exchange.

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