Hello Apsense Members ,

The end of 2012 is upon us and I am just sitting here watching
Christmas stories on the Television, and was thinking of how to
share with you some holiday cheer!

And then it came to me!

I have the perfect Christmas gift for you!

The gift contains 30 solos ads, enough for whole month
and 30 banner with 500 impressions each so you can start
the new years with a full thirty-days of no cost traffic!

Simply login or join free using this link for Executive Solo Ads.

Once logged in, from the menu click on Place Your Ads.
There you will find the promo code redemption form.

Type this into that box and then click the Redeem Promo Code

Promo Code:    HolidayCheer2012

Remember ads are approved daily to be sure your offers
get in front of all the members!

Enjoy the traffic and may you have a very Merry Christmas
and an Exceptional New Year!

Joe Sansoucie - Owner
Executive Solo Ads
California U.S.A.

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