there are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of tens of thousands of millions of possible number of animals in the world, each of which has benefits for us as humans, as animals are created is to be utilized. but among the thousands of millions of species of animals there are also animals and their imitation of life freely around us, physically they are just like us, because it has two legs, two hands, nose, eyes, ears, etc.. therefore the physical and tangible and we can not sort it we just know after eating prey or after any complaint or recognition of someone who has become a prey, trap used is made of a very deadly poison that is polished so it looks very, very sweet and delicious and not a few who have ingested the poison, because as imitation animals then animals are very dangerous and almost certainly not benefit at all good for those who take care of and for the people around him, so do not ever to try to maintain it, for the plague thereof is definitely going to be obtained. There are seven species types namely:
1. blackguard
2. usurer
3. wolf in sheep's clothing
4. strumpet
5. chameleon
6. footpads
7. double dealer

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