Webmiep Recommends

Sometimes I get requests from people asking me to advice them what to join. Below I describe some programs I am in. However, what works for me does not necessarily suit you or work for you. And although i am cautious in joining programs, I am far from perfect and I can make a mistake. So always do your own due diligence before joining anything. Also you should realize that most programs require time and in some cases small investments to make them work and profitable. This usually happens not overnight. This being said let me start of with presenting some programs that help to build your business and can generate a recurring income at the same time:

My Safelist.Biz is a service that helps you to build YOUR list and tells you exactly how to do it. With this easy to follow system it is quit easy to build your own list, build referals in the best mailers and build yourself a residual income.

MySafelist.Biz is one of the partners of the Marketers Co-op owned by Bruce Bates. Bruce, a well known and skilled marketer is so convinced about the quality and effectiveness of this program, that he offers a business guarantee inside the member area of the Marketers Co-op.

I am a member at the co-op so I took up on the challenge. Note that there are some conditions for this guarantee. You need to be member of the Marketers Co-op and you need to promote a few specific programs. I would have chosen these programs anyway because they are high quality safelist builders that deliver results. I already was a member of most of them before I joined MySafelist.Biz. But I never really got started and did not have a good system to work with listbuilders in a productive way. Because it took me way too long to earn credits and I forgot to use my credits to send out. My safelist.Biz helped me to organize it properly. The instruction videos are great. Despite those I got stuck a few times but their customer support is excellent.

You can also join MySafelistBiz directly but I strongly recommend joining through the members area from the Marketers Co-op. Think about it, how many companies give you a business guarantee to join another business without the fine print 'earnings disclaimer'?

The marketers co-op is a service that provides marketing and advertising packages for every budget and need and is worthwhile joining. The smaller packages starting at $20 a month cover advertising your site in the best traffic exchanges and safelists, larger packages also cover social media marketing, blog commenting, press releases and more. The program has a lucrative partner program. It is possible to join as a free affiliate member.

Bruce Bates, owner of the Marketers Co-op made a great start by recruiting the best experts of the internet marketing industry: People like Wincer Song (APSense, BrandPagePro, Lookii and others), Tony Tezak (Tezak Traffic Power), Darren Olander (several safelists), John Bell (Affilliate ToolBox, TrafficSwirl and others), Scot Gardner & Tod Perry (MysafelistBiz), Randy Howard (AdsActly advertising and business tools) and others are partners in this program.

With the combined expertise and experience is so many marketing areas this program you can't go wrong. Most of the programs of above partners are listed here. 

I am in the Marketers Co-op program as graphic designer and TE owner. I am using the programs of most of these partners to promote my graphic design service WebmiepGraphics and my TE Surf-Bar-Traffic and I am promoting the programs of Marketers Co-op partners with individual campaigns and through my Traffic Exchange Surf-Bar-Traffic.


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