One of the best ways to shoot your website ahead of your competitors’ is to use unusual yet powerful linkbuilding tactics. If all your competitors are only using “standard” methods, your tactics will help blow them out of the water.

These are seven tactics few people will tell you about, but work incredibly well.

Website Marketing,Seo and Mobile Marketing Business

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#1 – Befriend a Librarian

Go to your local library and make friends with your librarian. Libraries often have high PageRank domains and are .gov. If you write a stellar article, ask your librarian friend to link to it. Chances are, she won’t really object – A link isn’t a big deal to anyone but webmasters.

#2 – Enter a Contest (With Your Link)

Many web contests allow you to submit your entry with a detailed bio. Put your website in your bio and make your contest as unique as possible. Not only do you get a backlink, but you get a lot of people from the contest to visit your site as well.

#3 – Start an Unusual Cause

Running an unusual cause can get you a lot of publicity. For example, you might go on a “socks drive” where you aim to give out 1,000 socks to the homeless. Come up with a cause that’s unusual, one that benefits people yet makes heads turn.

This will get you local press attention and can also spread on the social bookmarking networks.

#4 – Make a Simple iPhone App

Create an iPhone app. The app can be extremely, extremely simple. So simple that you can develop it for just a few hundred dollars on eLance, including the submission to iTunes fee.

How will this get you links? Just put the app info page on your website. Then submit your app to all the app review sites on the internet. They’ll all link back to your website when they review your app.

#5 – Contact a Niche News Source

Look for news sources in your niche or in surrounding niches. For example, if you sell tents, look at news sources in the camping world, in the backpacking world and even in the RV worlds.

Contact these news sources and pitch them on doing a story with you.

#6 – Interview Someone

Interview someone that other people would want to get to know. For example, if you run a website about chess, interview a chess master or grandmaster. Or interview a chess instructor. Or interview a chess book author.

A lot of people will be willing to do interviews with you in order to promote their books, classes or personal brand.

#7 – Monthly Web 2.0 Links

Use a service like Paul Johnson’s Elite SEO Backlinks to build high authority, DoFollow and high PR backlinks back to your website. What’s great about this method is that it can be repeated every single month. Every month, you get more high quality backlinks to your site. Over time, this will result in huge ranking boosts.

Get Unlimited Authority Backlinks

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