If you are still not a part of Global One so far and want to JOIN after acquiring knowledge & developing understanding about this incredible business of a life time, visit here http://www.apsense.com/article/if-you-are-still-not-a-part-of-global-one-so-farread-on.html

I commend everyone here for stepping out of the box and signing up as the greater percent of the population does not even do that.

It is obvious from the many comments from people who say they do not understand, are confused, or feel they have freedom of speech that they have never been an entrepreneur, experienced MLM or direct sales. Like a VIRGIN you don’t know what to expect your first time out.:) It is like being in the car with a child who keeps saying are we there yet? Are we there yet? AND we still have 800 miles to go. I say this with love, you are driving people crazy with your confused and negative comments…lol.

I hope this helps…

Owning your own business: Here are the facts: According to U.S. Census data, only 48.8 percent of the new establishments started between 1977 and 2000 were still around after 5 years. The headaches of staff, payroll, supplies, the expense of keeping the doors open…most take years to show a profit. Risk of loss is MUCH greater than 10.00 to 100.00… you couldn't buy your office toilet paper for the first year for that amount of money.

MLM & Direct Sales: Rate of success in this industry stats are grim less than 1% to 5% experience any amount of great income. It varies depending on the company and their compensation plan. Risk of loss is usually $25.00 for just the paperwork to thousands for supplies. To experience ANY success in MLM or direct sales it usually takes 3 – 5 years to be able to quit your job. Scott Evans created a unique most generous compensation plan which enables everyone to succeed… Unheard of in this industry …thank you Scotty.

For those that are experiencing great success with Global One and will have the BIG first paychecks, they have worked their butts off and put in hundreds if not thousands of hours these last 4 to 10 months. Some of us will benefit from their spillover and some of us will not. Seriously for the risk of $10.00 to $100.00 who cares, we should be GRATEFUL for the opportunity to be able to CREATE a substantial income and to have the opportunity to share it with others.

For those that want to make money NOT PAY a dime and NOT SIGN anyone up there is a place that does that, it’s called welfare and you are a burden to society.

Whether you believed the compensation plan to be a certain way OR if it HAS changed so what…this is by far the most generous compensation plan I have ever seen. Do you think your boss would let you share the profits like this in their business? How much do you spend in gas or the bus to get to work each year and get reimbursed for that? Attend Tuesday and Thursday nights call and see what the most recent up to date information is on the compensation plan.

If you don’t know how to do the business then attend the team meetings and get great ideas. It can be as simple as asking people what they do for a living, get genuinely interested in them. They will eventually ask you what you do. I just say, “I set people free for $10.00”. They will want to know what you do and want more information.

You will ALWAYS be a slave to someone else’s dream if you do not take a risk to be in business for yourself.

I will now get off my soap box…lol I genuinely hope this helps…love to all:)

So What You Have Been Waiting For..... Hurry, Just 10 Bucks Locks You In!

Lock In Now.

Thank Me Later.
And as Always, I am Wishing You Wealth and Blessings,
- Yogesh Subhanand
Skype: success.network

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