These are interesting times.....

The word Entitlement (almost never used 60-80 years ago in daily life) has become part of almost all conversations locally and globally.

We, our children, and grandchildren have been coddled into operating with an Entitlement Mindset.

  • What is in for me?
  • I am a certain age, therefore I should have this..
  • I performed a task therefore I am entitled to XXXX
And this list could just grow.

What if we started re-training ourselves
and children to lead with a a mindset of Gratitude?

It is amazing HOW much more satisfaction can be generated from the perspective of Gratitude.

I found this simple book to be of real value to me and have shared with 1,000's

FREE PDF The Power of Gratitude

Let's join together and Grow from Gratitude.
We have discussed this concept at length in many of our 285 Talk Show Episodes.

Join Us Live also

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