The Money Making Game

Are your lips, tongue white and dry trying to desperately make money? Do you even know what you’re promoting? Have you researched it?

When you promote something to someone make sure that it is a good product or ser
vice. Now this coming from someone who did a good job promoting junk at one point in my life.  But that was back in the day when not many people knew any better. Do you see how I made an excuse? There isn’t one ever.

Today, we know better if you research whatever you will do better in the long run. Not only can you cover your butt legally but your reputation which is all you have. If you don’t sell something solid then will you get that customer back?



Picture this: you're promoting a $17 pyramid thingy and someone on the other end, a mom of two, struggling to put food on the table buys your stuff. You sold it as a miracle and you befriended her.


There is an upgrade of $47 to get the real money. She does it because you sell it hard and tell here she'll make 10 times that money in no time.

In this case it's $64, even if its $5 Is YOUR REPUTATION WORTH THAT LITTLE! Promote stuff that wins even if you have to take a hit. It's better that way.


$64 pays for a few meals for 2 little girls or keeps the lights on! And yes it is your fault!

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