Clickbank is a great affiliate site to turn to if you are looking for digital products to promote online. i like the fact that you can have access to a place like Clickbank to give you some leverage to sell a variety of digital products online. Now for those of you who are wondering if Clickabank is a legit company, they are a legit company. They are just a middle man between you the affiliate and the merchant. They pay you when sales are made from their site because they are charging the merchants to use their site to gain Affiliates such as yourself and myself.

The only drawback about Clickbank is the fact that you have to get approved and have to gain a certain amount of sales before you can see your first paycheck. You have to gain a certain amount of sales before you can see your commissions as well. All this does is get Clickbank and the Affiliate making money which doesn't make them look good.

I guess that is why there are people trying to figure out if they are legit or not because they have way too many stipulations going on with their program. None the less, once you get over all of that, you are able to make plenty of money with them and they do have a wide variety of digital products for you to choose from.

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